pitakakariki / simr

Power Analysis of Generalised Linear Mixed Models by Simulation
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Getting 100% power #107

Closed psyargh closed 6 years ago

psyargh commented 6 years ago


I have another issue with this package and I'd love some help. I have some pilot data on 7 people and I used it to estimate power. However, even with such small sample, I get the power of 100%.

Here's my model: modelA<-lmer(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1|subject), data=mydata, REML=FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)

x2 is number of days in which the participants took the study, and x3 is number of items they saw on each day. I'm interested in finding the effect of x1 on y, Cohen's d = 0.2 (not sure how to specify that?)

This is the output I get:

> powerSim(modelA)
Power for predictor 'x1', (95% confidence interval):============================|
      100.0% (99.63, 100.0)

Test: Kenward Roger (package pbkrtest)
      Effect size for x1 is 0.020

Based on 1000 simulations, (1000 warnings, 0 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 630

This seems rather impossible and I'm not sure where my mistake is. Thanks!

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

There's 1000 warnings so that would be the best place to start. What's the output of head(lastResult()$warnings)?

I also suspect that there's over-fitting - it looks like you have five parameters for only seven observations? That might be causing the model to understate the uncertainties. Are you able to share summary(modelA)?

psyargh commented 6 years ago

Thank you! Here's my model summary:

Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1 | subject)
   Data: mydata

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   311.6    332.4   -149.8    299.6      232 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.8416 -1.1585  0.4890  0.7327  1.2528 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 subject (Intercept) 0.006061 0.07785 
 Residual             0.202040 0.44949 
Number of obs: 238, groups:  subject, 7

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  0.0289526  0.2588544   0.112
x1            0.0063143  0.0026297   2.401
x2           0.0443941  0.0362498   1.225
x3         -0.0007232  0.0037104  -0.195

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
        (Intr) x1 x2   
x1 -0.930              
x2     -0.257 -0.025       
x3   -0.218  0.043  0.008
psyargh commented 6 years ago

This is the output of head(lastResult()$warnings):

> head(lastResult()$warnings)
    stage index                               message
1 Fitting     1 extra argument(s) ‘na.rm’ disregarded
2 Testing     1 extra argument(s) ‘na.rm’ disregarded
3 Testing     1 extra argument(s) ‘na.rm’ disregarded
4 Fitting     2 extra argument(s) ‘na.rm’ disregarded
5 Testing     2 extra argument(s) ‘na.rm’ disregarded
6 Testing     2 extra argument(s) ‘na.rm’ disregarded

Thank you!

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago
  1. I think there are still a few situations where simr struggles with missing data. If there are NAs in mydata, you should call mydata <- na.omit(mydata) before passing it to lmer. That should get rid of the warnings.

  2. Could you please try fixef(x1) <- 0 and rerun the power calculation? Ideally you should get 5% power with a zero effect. If the power is still high with a zero effect, it will confirm that there is a problem with the model.

  3. The subject random effect does look very small, which might point to identifiability issues. You may need to reset it with VarCorr(modelA) <- ???, where the actual value will need to be based on either subject-area knowledge or similar studies from the literature.

psyargh commented 6 years ago

Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to help me run simr successfully!

In the meantime I realized I needed a binomial model, so I changed it. I did steps 1 & 2 like you suggested, but my power was around 14% when the fixed effect of x1 was set to 0. Does this mean that there's a mistake in the model? Here's my model:

mydata <- na.omit(mydata)
summary(modelA<-glmer(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1|subject), family = binomial, data=mydata, na.action = na.omit))
fixef(modelA) ["x1"] <- 0

Here's the model output:

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) [
 Family: binomial  ( logit )
Formula: y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1 | subject)
   Data: mydata

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   272.9    290.0   -131.4    262.9      220 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.4415 -0.9323  0.4700  0.7200  1.1684 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 subject (Intercept) 0.2511   0.5011  
Number of obs: 225, groups:  subject, 7

Fixed effects:
             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  1.012131   0.277416   3.648 0.000264 ***
x1     0.045856   0.017866   2.567 0.010267 *  
x2         0.101643   0.187686   0.542 0.588123    
x3      -0.003022   0.018993  -0.159 0.873585    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
         (Intr) x1 x2  
x1  0.253              
x2     -0.009 -0.049       
x3    0.226  0.036  0.021

I think the subject random effect is not much more reasonable/expected.

psyargh commented 6 years ago

There's definitely a mistake here somewhere, because when I do

modelB <- extend(modelA, along="x1", n=14)

I get even smaller power than when I use my original sample size (7)

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

The new model looks much better.

  1. You might want to add an overdispersion term, i.e. you could add mydata$obs <- 1:220 and then include a (1|obs) random effect in the model.

  2. I'm not sure what x1 measures, so I'm not sure if it's the correct variable to extend along? If it's say "time" and extending the study means running it for longer, then that's fine. If the intent was to recruit more subjects you would extend along subject.

  3. I would try running two powerCurve simulations, one with zero effect for x1 and one with 0.02. Hopefully the null power curve settles down to 5%. For smaller samples the power might be inflated because the nominal 5% type I error rate is exceeded.

psyargh commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I did 1 & 2. Re: 3. I get the following error message:

Error in sprintf("%7i: ", x$xval[i]) : invalid format '%7i'; use format %f, %e, %g or %a for numeric objects

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

That bug's been fixed in the latest github version.

psyargh commented 6 years ago

Thank you! I believe my model works accurately now!

psyargh commented 6 years ago

Sorry -- another thing didn't work! When I used a different outcome variable, which has a negative regression slope, my power analysis completely changed. It's now indicating that my power to detect that slope is much lower than the power to detect the positive slope with the original outcome variable. Is there something I should do differently when I'm looking to detect negative slope? Thanks!

psyargh commented 6 years ago

Actually, it doesn't seem to be only about the negative slope. I change the fixef to be positive and I still get a much lower power for the new outcome variable. The new and old variable are very similar.

But to illustrate, for the old variable, when I extend along "subject" to n=80, the power is 84%, for the new variable, it's 16%.

This is all in the identical model, just slightly different variables.

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

I fixed a few bugs with binomial models over the weekend. Is your binomial model just 0's and 1's? If so it should be fine, otherwise you might need to download the latest github version.

It's not unusual to get different power for different variables, but 16% does sound low for 80 subjects.

If the new variable has a much smaller range, that can make it difficult to detect an effect. Another thing I see quite a bit is that a variable has very small within-subject variation, which can make it difficult to separate the subject effect from the effect of the variable.

psyargh commented 6 years ago

Thank you! So what do you suggest I should do in order to trust this model (given that getting 16% power for 80 people sounds low)? My outcome variable has only 0s and 1s.

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

A handful of ideas:

psyargh commented 6 years ago

Thank you! I'll try doing what you suggested and see what happens. You've already been very generous with your time-- much appreciated.

I believe though that one thing would make this analysis easier for me-- I have a hard time understanding unstandardized slope values of my predictors, thus making it hard to decide on the effect size I'm looking for. What's the best way to find out how these values correspond to standardized effect sizes?

Thank you!

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately in your case the effect sizes are odds ratios, and the general consensus is that no one really understands those!

I think the best way to get a sense of effect sizes in a binomial model is see how predicted probabilities are affected.

For example, if the predicted probability for a particular subject was 50%,, the effect size for x1 was 0.02, and you increased x1 by 1 unit, the new predicted probability would be 50.5%.

> plogis(qlogis(0.5) + 0.02)
[1] 0.5049998

Whether that's large or small would depend on the scale of x1 of course. e.g. if a typical change in x1 was 10 units, then 50% would become 55%:

> plogis(qlogis(0.5) + 0.02*10)
[1] 0.549834
psyargh commented 6 years ago

Hi, Unfortunately I wasn't able to figured this out. I sent you an email to the address provided here! Thanks!