pitakakariki / simr

Power Analysis of Generalised Linear Mixed Models by Simulation
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powerCurve not wrapping user supplied tests #203

Open pitakakariki opened 3 years ago

pitakakariki commented 3 years ago

This works fine:

> powerSim(fm, test=function(.) 1, nsim=5)

But this doesn't:

> powerCurve(fm, test=function(.) 1, nsim=5)
Calculating power at 8 sample sizes along x
Error in attr(test, "text")(fit, sim) : attempt to apply non-function
mattansb commented 3 years ago

Hey - thanks for the great package!

I just came across this same issue.. Until fixed, one should make sure the input test function has some functions as the "text" attribute:


data(md_12.1, package = "afex")

mod_rt <- lmer(rt ~ angle * noise + (angle + noise|id), data = md_12.1)

test_lin_trend <- function(m, ...) {
  rez <- emmeans(m, ~ angle, lmer.df = "asym") |>
    contrast(method = "poly") |>


powerCurve(mod_rt, test = test_lin_trend, 
           breaks = c(1, 10),
           nsim = 5, along = "id")
#> Calculating power at 2 sample sizes along id
#> Error in attr(test, "text")(fit, sim) : attempt to apply non-function

attr(test_lin_trend, "text") <- function(...) NULL

powerCurve(mod_rt, test = test_lin_trend, 
           breaks = c(1, 10),
           nsim = 5, along = "id")
#> Calculating power at 2 sample sizes along id
#> by number of levels in id:
#>       1:  0.00% ( 0.00, 52.18) - 6 rows
#>      10: 100.0% (47.82, 100.0) - 60 rows
#> Time elapsed: 0 h 0 m 2 s
pitakakariki commented 3 years ago

Thanks Matt.

HaiyangJin commented 2 years ago

Hi @pitakakariki and @mattansb, many thanks for making this great package and the excellent example.

I wonder what I should do to test the power for both rez$p.value[1] and rez$pvalue[2] with custom function at the same time?

pitakakariki commented 2 years ago

Sorry, that's not a feature that's available yet. It's a good idea so I will try to implement it at some point.

HaiyangJin commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Do you think it makes sense to perform the power analysis twice for the two effects of interests with the same random seeds (before the exciting new feature is available)?

pitakakariki commented 2 years ago

Seed shouldn't matter either way as long as nsim is big enough. But yes currently you just need to run two separate powerSims.

HaiyangJin commented 2 years ago

I would like to calculate the power of observing the significant results of the two tests at the same time. Different seeds should not work in this case.

I wonder if I could perform the power analysis twice but with the same seed, and then use the p-values for different effects (from different power analysis) to calculate whether the two effects are significant at the same time (for each iteration/simulation).