pitakakariki / simr

Power Analysis of Generalised Linear Mixed Models by Simulation
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Errors with powerSim #93

Closed gfonzo closed 4 years ago

gfonzo commented 6 years ago


I've been attempting to use this package to run a power analysis on a linear mixed model with several interactions and have been running into errors.

Here's the setup: I have about 36 individuals w/ PTSD in a longitudinal study (pre/post psychotherapy) whom have a brain connectivity measure and a verbal memory grouping (impaired or intact) at baseline and am trying to test the power of the combination of baseline verbal memory and brain connectivity to predict treatment outcome (measured on a continuous scale).

Here's the data frame w/ the relevant variables:

ID Group Time CAPS fMRIsignalc VM 1 B005 PE PreTx 0.70 -0.034933333
2 B009 PE PreTx 0.76 0.152566667
3 B011 PE PreTx 0.64 -0.083333333
4 B012 PE PreTx 0.58 0.065166667
5 B014 PE PreTx 0.92 -0.124133333
6 B023 PE PreTx 0.70 0.150566667
7 B025 PE PreTx 0.96 -0.044733333
8 B047 PE PreTx 0.55 0.065666667 Intact 9 B059 PE PreTx 1.01 0.125266667 Impaired 10 B061 PE PreTx 0.85 -0.174833333 Intact 11 B072 PE PreTx 0.90 -0.186933333 Intact 12 B075 PE PreTx 0.82 -0.055933333 Impaired 13 B076 PE PreTx 0.75 -0.068533333 Intact 14 B080 PE PreTx 0.56 0.094666667 Intact 15 B081 PE PreTx 0.69 0.058366667 Intact 16 B082 PE PreTx 0.59 -0.129833333 Intact 17 B084 PE PreTx 0.46 -0.080933333 Impaired 18 B085 PE PreTx 0.47 0.021866667 Impaired 19 B087 PE PreTx 0.67 -0.146333333 Intact 20 B088 PE PreTx 0.68 0.091366667 Intact 21 B090 PE PreTx 0.76 0.015866667 Intact 22 B091 PE PreTx 0.53 -0.041033333 Impaired 23 B094 PE PreTx 0.52 -0.070633333 Intact 24 B097 PE PreTx 0.61 -0.069733333 Intact 25 B100 PE PreTx 0.56 0.166766667 Intact 26 B102 PE PreTx 0.55 0.058466667 Impaired 27 B105 PE PreTx 0.54 0.137666667 Intact 28 B106 PE PreTx 0.43 -0.064333333 Impaired 29 B107 PE PreTx 0.71 -0.013933333 Intact 30 B108 PE PreTx 0.72 0.037266667 Intact 31 B110 PE PreTx 0.57 -0.015733333 Impaired 32 B114 PE PreTx 0.70 -0.118733333 Impaired 33 B117 PE PreTx 0.38 0.223366667 Intact 34 B120 PE PreTx 0.70 -0.146233333 Impaired 35 B121 PE PreTx 0.53 -0.005733333 Intact 36 B122 PE PreTx 0.81 0.211666667 Intact 37 B005 PE PostTx NA -0.034933333
38 B009 PE PostTx NA 0.152566667
39 B011 PE PostTx 0.37 -0.083333333
40 B012 PE PostTx 0.08 0.065166667
41 B014 PE PostTx 0.33 -0.124133333
42 B023 PE PostTx 0.35 0.150566667
43 B025 PE PostTx 0.51 -0.044733333
44 B047 PE PostTx 0.15 0.065666667 Intact 45 B059 PE PostTx 0.25 0.125266667 Impaired 46 B061 PE PostTx 0.37 -0.174833333 Intact 47 B072 PE PostTx NA -0.186933333 Intact 48 B075 PE PostTx 0.71 -0.055933333 Impaired 49 B076 PE PostTx 0.26 -0.068533333 Intact 50 B080 PE PostTx NA 0.094666667 Intact 51 B081 PE PostTx NA 0.058366667 Intact 52 B082 PE PostTx 0.19 -0.129833333 Intact 53 B084 PE PostTx 0.45 -0.080933333 Impaired 54 B085 PE PostTx 0.04 0.021866667 Impaired 55 B087 PE PostTx 0.02 -0.146333333 Intact 56 B088 PE PostTx 0.13 0.091366667 Intact 57 B090 PE PostTx 0.34 0.015866667 Intact 58 B091 PE PostTx 0.61 -0.041033333 Impaired 59 B094 PE PostTx 0.17 -0.070633333 Intact 60 B097 PE PostTx NA -0.069733333 Intact 61 B100 PE PostTx 0.18 0.166766667 Intact 62 B102 PE PostTx NA 0.058466667 Impaired 63 B105 PE PostTx 0.34 0.137666667 Intact 64 B106 PE PostTx NA -0.064333333 Impaired 65 B107 PE PostTx NA -0.013933333 Intact 66 B108 PE PostTx 0.07 0.037266667 Intact 67 B110 PE PostTx NA -0.015733333 Impaired 68 B114 PE PostTx 0.84 -0.118733333 Impaired 69 B117 PE PostTx 0.00 0.223366667 Intact 70 B120 PE PostTx NA -0.146233333 Impaired 71 B121 PE PostTx 0.25 -0.005733333 Intact 72 B122 PE PostTx 0.39 0.211666667 Intact

Some missing values for the memory grouping (not everyone had the memory measure) and for the outcome (CAPS) due to dropout.

Here's the model:

mylme <- lmer(CAPS ~ Time + fMRIsignalc + fMRIsignalc:Time + VM + VM:fMRIsignalc + VM:Time + VM:Time:fMRIsignalc + (1|ID), data = test, na.action = na.omit)

The latter 3-way interaction specifies the prediction of change over time in CAPS as a function of VM grouping and fMRI connectivity at baseline.

Here's the summary:

_Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] Formula: CAPS ~ Time + fMRIsignalc + fMRIsignalc:Time + VM + VM:fMRIsignalc +
VM:Time + VM:Time:fMRIsignalc + (1 | ID) Data: test

REML criterion at convergence: -60

Scaled residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.3403 -0.5163 0.1083 0.4483 1.2355

Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ID (Intercept) 0.014627 0.12094 Residual 0.007428 0.08618 Number of obs: 61, groups: ID, 36

Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value (Intercept) 0.32631 0.06235 5.234 TimePreTx 0.43082 0.05334 8.076 fMRIsignalc -0.29646 0.60979 -0.486 VMImpaired 0.05926 0.08532 0.695 VMIntact -0.11314 0.07294 -1.551 TimePreTx:fMRIsignalc -0.19507 0.52501 -0.372 fMRIsignalc:VMImpaired -2.65551 0.92599 -2.868 fMRIsignalc:VMIntact 0.18295 0.67886 0.269 TimePreTx:VMImpaired -0.17148 0.07347 -2.334 TimePreTx:VMIntact 0.01349 0.06242 0.216 TimePreTx:fMRIsignalc:VMImpaired 3.80581 0.80170 4.747 TimePreTx:fMRIsignalc:VMIntact -0.16539 0.58246 -0.284

Correlation of Fixed Effects: (Intr) TmPrTx fMRIsg VMImpr VMIntc TmPT:MRI TimePreTx -0.533
fMRIsignalc 0.007 -0.078
VMImpaired -0.731 0.389 -0.005
VMIntact -0.855 0.455 -0.006 0.625
TmPrTx:fMRI -0.077 0.049 -0.551 0.056 0.066
fMRIsgnlc:VMIm -0.005 0.051 -0.659 0.170 0.004 0.363
fMRIsgnlc:VMIn -0.006 0.070 -0.898 0.005 -0.031 0.495
TmPrTx:VMIm 0.387 -0.726 0.056 -0.552 -0.330 -0.036
TmPrTx:VMIn 0.455 -0.855 0.066 -0.333 -0.533 -0.042
TmPrTx:fMRIsgnlc:VMIm 0.051 -0.032 0.361 -0.118 -0.043 -0.655
TmPrTx:fMRIsgnlc:VMIn 0.070 -0.044 0.497 -0.051 -0.032 -0.901
fMRIsgnlc:VMIm fMRIsgnlc:VMIn TmPrTx:VMIm TmPrTx:VMIn TimePreTx
fMRIsgnlc:VMIn 0.592
TmPrTx:VMIm -0.119 -0.051
TmPrTx:VMIn -0.044 -0.032 0.620
TmPrTx:fMRIsgnlc:VMIm -0.567 -0.324 0.183 0.028
TmPrTx:fMRIsgnlc:VMIn -0.327 -0.541 0.032 -0.003
TmPrTx:fMRIsgnlc:VMIm TimePreTx
TmPrTx:fMRIsgnlc:VMIn 0.590_

I set the following options:

simrOptions(carTestType="III") simrOptions(lmerTestDdf="lme4") simrOptions(lmerTestType=3)

And I'm interested in seeing the estimated power of the effect for TimePreTx:fMRIsignalc:VMImpaired. So I run:

powerSim(mylme, test = fixed("TimePreTx:fMRIsignalc:VMImpaired"))

And here's the outcome:

_Power for predictor 'TimePreTx:fMRIsignalc:VMImpaired', (95% confidence interval): 0.00% ( 0.00, 0.37)

Test: Kenward Roger (package pbkrtest) Effect size for TimePreTx:fMRIsignalc:VMImpaired is 3.8

Based on 1000 simulations, (0 warnings, 1000 errors) alpha = 0.05, nrow = 72

Time elapsed: 0 h 1 m 43 s_

As you can see, I get an error for every simulation.

I've also tried running this model centering the categorical values numerically (0 and 1 for pre and post tx; -0.5 and 0.5 for VM group) and I still get the same errors.

Any help you can provide would be much appreciated!

Thanks, Greg

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

I'd start with removing the NAs before fitting the model. Otherwise you can get problems in the simulation step. e.g.

test2 <- na.omit(test)

You might also need the simpler form test = fixed("Time:fMRIsignalc:VM)".

If there's any further errors you can use lastResult()$errors to get the error messages (which may or may not be helpful).

gfonzo commented 6 years ago

Thanks Peter. I tried the steps you recommend. Removed the cases w/ NA's and used the simpler form of the fixed effect. I still get the same error at every simulation.

Using the call for lastResult()$errors, here is what I receive:

1000 Testing 1000 scope is not a subset of term labels

The error is the same for all 1000 steps.

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

That error has something to do with the fixed effect naming.

If the simpler form isn't working, try the earlier form again, but be careful to make it the same as in the new model (the NA removal changes which factor labels are the default).

gfonzo commented 6 years ago

Thanks! You're right...the NA removal did change the factor labels. I used the new labels this time and it was able to run without errors. Thanks again for your help!

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

No problem. I'm going to leave the issue open until I've worked out better error messages for this scenario.

Johnzav888 commented 6 years ago

Hi pitakakariki,

I get exactly the same error. I do not have any NA's!

My model output is :

model1 <- lmer(log_volume ~ days*Treatment + (days|ID), mydata ) 
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: log_volume ~ days * Treatment + (days | ID)
   Data: mydata

REML criterion at convergence: 239.2

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.5629 -0.6089  0.0891  0.5703  2.1860 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance  Std.Dev.  Corr 
 ID       (Intercept) 2.993e-01 5.471e-01      
          days        4.967e-09 7.048e-05 -1.00
 Residual             3.803e-01 6.167e-01      
Number of obs: 109, groups:  ID, 11

Fixed effects:
                                   Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)                   2.84977    0.35433   8.043
days                            0.21317    0.01802  11.832
Treatmentanti-PD1      -0.11757    0.45427  -0.259
days:Treatmentanti-PD1 -0.07630    0.02023  -3.771

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) days   Tr-PD1
days        -0.670              
Trtmntn-PD1 -0.780  0.522       
dys:Trt-PD1  0.596 -0.890 -0.625

And i fit the Powersim

powerSim(fit=model1,test = fixed("days:Treatmentanti-PD1"), nsim=200)
Power for predictor 'days:Treatmentanti-PD1', (95% confidence interval):
       0.00% ( 0.00,  1.83)

Test: Kenward Roger (package pbkrtest)
      Effect size for days:Treatmentanti-PD1 is -0.076

Based on 200 simulations, (3 warnings, 200 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 109

Time elapsed: 0 h 0 m 14 s

nb: result might be an observed power calculation

And the error :

200 Testing   200 scope is not a subset of term labels

Any ideas ?

Thanks, John  

pitakakariki commented 6 years ago

It looks like the automated test selection is guessing the wrong kind of test. Try this instead:

fixed("days:Treatmentanti-PD1", "z")
Camzcamz commented 5 years ago


I think I have a similar error. My model is:

model1 <- lmerTest::lmer(Brain_Stem_log ~ Group*Total_Brain_Vol_log+ (1|SITE_ID2), data = Abide_Clean_Seg)

Brain_Stem_log and Total_Brain_Vol_log are continuous. Group (2 levels) and Site ID (17 levels) are categorical.

I am interested in looking at power to detect Group and Total_Brain_Vol_log effects as well as the Group*Total_Brain_Vol_log interaction. I would like to use the Satterthwaite degrees of freedom since I used them to estimate p values in my model summary. However, one of my power simulation doesn't work and I don't know which one to report with my goal in mind.

_ For Power for GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vollog This doesn't work:

> simrOptions(lmerTestDdf="Satterthwaite")
> simrOptions(carTestType="III")
> powerSim(model1, test = fixed("GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log", method = "anova"))
Power for predictor 'GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log', (95% confidence interval):
       0.00% ( 0.00,  0.37)

Test: Type-3 F-test with Satterthwaite degrees of freedom (package lmerTest)
      Effect size for GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log is 0.013

Based on 1000 simulations, (10 warnings, 1000 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 654

Time elapsed: 0 h 3 m 50 s

nb: result might be an observed power calculation
Warning message:
In observedPowerWarning(sim) :
  This appears to be an "observed power" calculation

But these do:

> powerSim(model1, test = fixed("GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log", "z"))
Power for predictor 'GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log', (95% confidence interval):
       6.10% ( 4.70,  7.77)

Test: z-test
      Effect size for GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log is 0.013

Based on 1000 simulations, (21 warnings, 0 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 654

Time elapsed: 0 h 2 m 42 s

nb: result might be an observed power calculation
Warning message:
In observedPowerWarning(sim) :
  This appears to be an "observed power" calculation
> powerSim(model1, test = fixed("GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log", "sa"))
Simulating: |==============                                                                       |
singular fit
Power for predictor 'GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log', (95% confidence interval):
       6.20% ( 4.79,  7.88)

Test: Satterthwait (package lmerTest)
      Effect size for GroupASD:Total_Brain_Vol_log is 0.013

Based on 1000 simulations, (6 warnings, 0 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 654

Time elapsed: 0 h 4 m 32 s

nb: result might be an observed power calculation
Warning message:
In observedPowerWarning(sim) :
  This appears to be an "observed power" calculation

I know the last two give similar results, but (i) I don't understand why the first one doesn't work and (ii) which one I should be using.

For Power my Main Effects These work for my main effects (e.g. Total_Brain_Vol_log), but which one do I use?

> simrOptions(lmerTestDdf="Satterthwaite")
> simrOptions(carTestType="III")
> powerSim(model1, test = fixed("Total_Brain_Vol_log", method = "anova"))
Power for predictor 'Total_Brain_Vol_log', (95% confidence interval):
      100.0% (99.63, 100.0)

Test: Type-3 F-test with Satterthwaite degrees of freedom (package lmerTest)
      Effect size for Total_Brain_Vol_log is 0.71

Based on 1000 simulations, (1000 warnings, 0 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 654

Time elapsed: 0 h 3 m 50 s

nb: result might be an observed power calculation
Warning message:
In observedPowerWarning(sim) :
  This appears to be an "observed power" calculation
> powerSim(model1, alpha = 0.045, test = fixed("Total_Brain_Vol_log", "z"))
Power for predictor 'Total_Brain_Vol_log', (95% confidence interval):
      100.0% (99.63, 100.0)

Test: z-test
      Effect size for Total_Brain_Vol_log is 0.71

Based on 1000 simulations, (19 warnings, 0 errors)
alpha = 0.045, nrow = 654

Time elapsed: 0 h 2 m 44 s

nb: result might be an observed power calculation
Warning message:
In observedPowerWarning(sim) :
  This appears to be an "observed power" calculation
> powerSim(model1, test = fixed("Total_Brain_Vol_log", "sa"))
Power for predictor 'Total_Brain_Vol_log', (95% confidence interval):
      100.0% (99.63, 100.0)

Test: Satterthwait (package lmerTest)
      Effect size for Total_Brain_Vol_log is 0.71

Based on 1000 simulations, (8 warnings, 0 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 654

Time elapsed: 0 h 4 m 9 s

nb: result might be an observed power calculation
Warning message:
In observedPowerWarning(sim) :
  This appears to be an "observed power" calculation

Thank you so much for your time and input. Kind regards, Camille

pitakakariki commented 5 years ago

I think anova is testing the whole categorical variable so you want "Group" not "GroupASD". With a z-test you're just testing one level so you need "GroupASD" to specify the level.

Which one you use depends on which test you intend to apply to your data after you run the study.

Camzcamz commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your response. I get the same results when I use anova on Group:Total_Brain_Vol_log and when I use sa on GroupControl:Total_Brain_Vol_log BUT I can't fix an effect size for Group:Total_Brain_Vol_log but can do it for GroupControl:Total_Brain_Vol_log, why?

> model1 <- lmerTest::lmer(Brain_Stem_log ~ Group*Total_Brain_Vol_log+ (1|SITE_ID2), data = Abide_Clean_Seg)
> summary(model1)

Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method ['lmerModLmerTest']
Formula: Brain_Stem_log ~ Group * Total_Brain_Vol_log + (1 | SITE_ID2)
   Data: Abide_Clean_Seg

REML criterion at convergence: 1317.8

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.9639 -0.6379  0.0076  0.6756  3.2056 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 SITE_ID2 (Intercept) 0.08534  0.2921  
 Residual             0.41063  0.6408  
Number of obs: 654, groups:  SITE_ID2, 15

Fixed effects:
                                  Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                       -0.03358    0.08590  16.25207  -0.391    0.701    
GroupControl                       0.04221    0.05095 639.24867   0.828    0.408    
Total_Brain_Vol_log                0.72630    0.04274 646.32402  16.993   <2e-16 ***
GroupControl:Total_Brain_Vol_log  -0.01349    0.05882 639.10586  -0.229    0.819    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> fixef(model1)["Group:Total_Brain_Vol_log"] 

> fixef(model1)["GroupControl:Total_Brain_Vol_log"] 

> fixef(model1)["GroupControl:Total_Brain_Vol_log"] <- 0.2

The first two work and give the same response, but since I want to control the effect size of my fixed effect I should use the "sa" method?

> sim_sa <- powerSim(model1, test = fixed("GroupControl:Total_Brain_Vol_log", "sa"))
> sim_sa
Power for predictor 'GroupControl:Total_Brain_Vol_log', (95% confidence interval):
      92.20% (90.36, 93.79)

Test: Satterthwait (package lmerTest)
      Effect size for GroupControl:Total_Brain_Vol_log is 0.20

Based on 1000 simulations, (21 warnings, 0 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 654
> sim_anova_group <- powerSim(model1, test = fixed("Group:Total_Brain_Vol_log", "anova"))
> sim_anova_group
Power for predictor 'Group:Total_Brain_Vol_log', (95% confidence interval):
      92.20% (90.36, 93.79)

Test: Type-2 F-test with Satterthwaite degrees of freedom (package lmerTest)

Based on 1000 simulations, (15 warnings, 0 errors)
alpha = 0.05, nrow = 654

Time elapsed: 0 h 5 m 39 s

Thank you very much for your time,


pitakakariki commented 5 years ago

Fixing the effect size has to be done per level, no matter which test is eventually run.

I suspect you're getting the same results because you only have two levels? In that case the tests would be equivalent.

Camzcamz commented 5 years ago

Yes, I only have two levels! Thank you so much for your help. I have one last question. How do you fix the level of the effect size per level? I can only seem to input the effect size difference between my 2 levels: ASD and Controls with this function :

> Trial <- lmer(TotalGrayVol ~ AGE_AT_SCAN*DX_GROUP + (1|SITE_ID2), Abide_LMEM_Rep_Clean_Scaled_data_long)

> summary(Trial)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method ['lmerModLmerTest']
Formula: TotalGrayVol ~ AGE_AT_SCAN * DX_GROUP + (1 | SITE_ID2)
   Data: Abide_LMEM_Rep_Clean_Scaled_data_long

REML criterion at convergence: 3325.6

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.0286 -0.7056  0.0155  0.6869  3.1784 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 SITE_ID2 (Intercept) 0.5434   0.7372  
 Residual             0.7049   0.8396  
Number of obs: 1308, groups:  SITE_ID2, 15

Fixed effects:
                              Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                    0.05624    0.19418   14.20840   0.290   0.7763    
AGE_AT_SCAN                   -0.17405    0.03960 1302.20618  -4.395  1.2e-05 ***
DX_GROUPControl               -0.04216    0.04732 1291.17497  -0.891   0.3731    
AGE_AT_SCAN:DX_GROUPControl   -0.08474    0.04780 1291.97945  -1.773   0.0765 .  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
             (Intr) AGE_AT_SCAN DX_GRO
AGE_AT_SCAN  -0.005                   
DX_GROUPCnt  -0.133 -0.043            
AGE_AT_SCAN:  0.000 -0.676       0.013
> fixef(Trial)["DX_GROUPControl"]
> fixef(Trial)["DX_GROUPControl"] <- 0.2
> fixef(Trial)["DX_GROUPControl"]

when I do, I get nothing...

> fixef(Trial)["DX_GROUPASD"]
pitakakariki commented 5 years ago

If you have k levels then you have k-1 effect sizes, usually differences between the current level and the base level. If there's only two levels there's only one difference to specify.

Camzcamz commented 5 years ago

Hi, I apologize for posting this here, but I cannot find any information on using simr to detect the power of observing a triple interaction between 2 continuous variables and one categorical variable (2 levels only) and one random intercept structure ( + (1|SITE_ID) with is a categorical variable with 15 levels. Any material would be helpful or redirection towards some discussion groups would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much

pitakakariki commented 5 years ago

Not aware of any discussions of this, but you can probably get away with following one of the two variable interaction examples.