The goal is to provide all useful options for customizing the placement of the image over the rooms. But in order to keep the app simple, those options should be focused on providing the best way to specify how content is placed over channels not to customize/create the content.
Currently, supported image options are:
Vertical & Horizontal Offset
Fit mode
Background Color
Options that should be added:
Vertical & Horizontal Scale (With ability to keep them in sync in order to keep aspect ratio)
Vertical & Horizontal Flip
Option to make max vertical offset not limited to the size of the image
Option to fit image automatically to current channels count (that's basically a special case of scale)
Input wanted! Feel free to comment if you have an idea for other useful options :point_down:
The goal is to provide all useful options for customizing the placement of the image over the rooms. But in order to keep the app simple, those options should be focused on providing the best way to specify how content is placed over channels not to customize/create the content.
Currently, supported image options are:
Options that should be added: