pitluga / subcontractor

rvm aware process launcher for foreman
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Bundler::GemNotFound #10

Closed Tonkpils closed 12 years ago

Tonkpils commented 12 years ago

I created a new gemset in Ruby 1.9.3p194 using RVM. Ran gem install subcontractor and then tried the command subcontract --help and it has many dependency issues. I get the following output on a clean gemset

`block in materialize': Could not find i18n-0.6.1 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound)

I installed the rails gem and I get the same error but with the missing gem builder-3.0.3

Shouldn't all these dependencies be installed when the subcontractor gem is installed?

pitluga commented 12 years ago

Subcontractor itself has no dependencies. If you are installing things with bundler, you may have to run bundle exec subcontract --help. Can you try this?

bundle install
bundle exec subcontract --help

That should fix up your dependency issues.

Tonkpils commented 12 years ago

I actually didn't put the subcontract gem in a Gemfile. I just created a new gemset with RVM and ran gem install subcontractor.

If I run bundle install, and then run subcontract --help the command executes just fine without the bundle exec. I'm not too sure what this means.

pitluga commented 12 years ago

I just ran this:

rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p125@testitout
gem install subcontractor
subcontract --help

And all works fine. Subcontractor does not have a strict dependency on foreman. Sounds like you are good to go though. Hope subcontractor works out well for you.