pitr / gemini-ios

Elaho - iOS browser for Gemini protocol
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Pinning several sites on the same domain #46

Open snan opened 1 year ago

snan commented 1 year ago

I've had trouble pinning sites; I'm not sure but it seems that the issues are when there are sites from the same domain.

Maybe realm thinks that the domain is the key?

I'm not super hot at swift but maybe this line in PinnedSite.swift:

    @objc dynamic public var url = ""

needs to be annotated as a primary key. I know you do something similar a few lines below with a class override; again, I'm not great at Swift 🤷🏻‍♀️

The issue could also be something completely unrelated, IDK

snan commented 1 year ago

Bookmarks work fine, it's just "pinned top sites" that don't.