pittcsc / PittAPI

An API to easily get data from the University of Pittsburgh
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Clean up dependences #182

Open tianyizheng02 opened 1 week ago

tianyizheng02 commented 1 week ago

Fixes #181

Cleaned up dependencies (Pipfile and requirements.txt) by removing unused dependencies, updating dependencies to latest versions, and marking dependencies as dev dependencies where applicable. "Dev dependency" here refers to any dependency that we only use for development purposes (e.g., flake8 for linting, pytest for testing, and sphinx for documentation) and isn't required for the functionality of the API itself.

tianyizheng02 commented 1 week ago

Commit ea17ee477c740e23bf518dafebdde8f4157628c8 updates urllib3 to 1.26.19. This will resolve the following Dependabot alerts:

and thus this PR supersedes #184.

tianyizheng02 commented 1 week ago

Final issue is just what to do about pytest-xdist: this dependency would allow us to run tests on multiple cores, but we haven't been using it. We could either start using it in our testing workflow (work for another PR) or remove it altogether.