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Create more robust course data fetching system through Pitt API #56

Open Zmwang622 opened 4 years ago

Zmwang622 commented 4 years ago

Seems like the data for CS1906 isn't parsed correctly


varughese commented 4 years ago

This bug happens with a few of them too. Gotta figure out a smarter way to parse some classes

varughese commented 4 years ago

Blocked. @azharichenko is going to help make pitt api more robust so its easy to query to fetch all the cs courses, and he gonna host it on the web somewhere so its easy to query

right now the layers of the app look like:

shitty scraper       
sci courses page 

after alex, its gonna look like:

WIKI 💯                 
graph ql query     
PITT API              
~ pitt api gonna abstract all that goes below this away ~
varughese commented 4 years ago

then, in the wiki all we gotta do is something like

gql {
department(eq: "CS") {

and cache that into a json file, and then bam we hav fresh data . can even query. classes like math 280 and stuff like that too : ) , and CMP 401, stuff like that


Zmwang622 commented 4 years ago

@azharichenko @varughese Labrinidis told us at our meeting that he'll just give us any data we need.

varughese commented 4 years ago

whenever we fix this and how we get data, then we can fix the courses-template comment (look at the todo in that file)

varughese commented 4 years ago

@Zmwang622 can u cop that data for us? it would be nice to be able to get other course data like math 413 math 280 stats, etc for other things too i think?

Zmwang622 commented 4 years ago

I'll ask the next Dr. L meeting should be soon