pittquantum / PittQuantumRepository

Flask backend for the Pitt Quantum Repository website
MIT License
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Create "Report Issue" button #59

Closed dslambrecht closed 9 years ago

dslambrecht commented 9 years ago

so users can report broken molecules etc.

JoshuaRogan commented 9 years ago

This will be the URL in the footer https://github.com/pittquantum/PittQuantumRepository/issues/new?title=Missing%20Molecule%20Data%20for%20Molecule%20&body=Please%20submit%20the%20molecule%20INCHI%20Key.

ghutchis commented 9 years ago

Can't the footer get the InChI key automatically?

JoshuaRogan commented 9 years ago

It can but I believe it currently is setup as a redirect. I also would need to add a flag so it only shows up on molecule pages or after a redirect. I think if we have a flash message we can put it there.