pivotal-cf / azure-blobstore-resource

A concourse resource to interact with the azure blob service.
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Regexp broken if Azure container contains a folder with more that one file in it #36

Closed ckunst closed 4 years ago

ckunst commented 4 years ago

The way to reproduce: Create an Azure container with a structure containing a folder and more than one file inside of the folder in addition to files located in the root of the container. Ex:

- - file_in_folder_a-1.2.3.tgz - file_in_folder_b-1.3.4.tgz - file_in_root_a-1.2.3.tgz - file_in_root_b-1.2.4.tgz With a container file/folder structure as depicted above, the capturing group regex is not working anymore. Ex: file_in_root_a-(.*).tgz I had only a limited amount of time to troubleshoot but it looks like the API call/ go library is returning an empty array in this case so the root cause might reside in there.
christianang commented 4 years ago

I attempted to reproduce this unsuccessfully. I created a similar folder structure.

Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 5 29 38 PM Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 5 29 45 PM

And used the following pipeline (modified the example pipeline):

- name: azure-blobstore
  type: docker-image
    repository: pcfabr/azure-blobstore-resource

  - name: azure-blobstore-resource
    type: git
      uri: https://github.com/pivotal-cf/azure-blobstore-resource.git
      branch: master

  - name: configuration
    type: azure-blobstore
      storage_account_name: ((storage_account_name))
      storage_account_key: ((storage_account_key))
      container: ((container))
      regexp: file_in_root_a-(.*).txt

- name: print-config
  - in_parallel:
    - get: azure-blobstore-resource
    - get: configuration
  - task: print-config
    file: azure-blobstore-resource/example/tasks/print-config/task.yml
      CONFIGURATION_FILENAME: file_in_root_a-*

- name: write-config
  - in_parallel:
    - get: azure-blobstore-resource
  - task: write-config
    file: azure-blobstore-resource/example/tasks/write-config/task.yml
  - put: configuration
      CONFIGURATION_FILENAME: file_in_root_a-*

The check ran successfully and so did the job. Let me know if my setup looks off.

Is this consistently failing for you or is it intermittent? Did this use to work at some point or did it never work? Trying to narrow down the possibilities.

ckunst commented 4 years ago

Indeed it seems that the subfolder assumption was a red herring. The issue occurred today again after we cleaned the structure to be flat. My current assumption is that it has to do with overwriting files based on the following observation:

Now I paused the download pipeline as I have to be unblocked in order to unblock the stories that were blocked by it. Can you check if you can reproduce the above behavior on your lab? Thank you!

christianang commented 4 years ago

I changed my pipeline to overwrite the file e.g

- name: write-config
  - in_parallel:
    - get: azure-blobstore-resource
  - task: write-config
    file: azure-blobstore-resource/example/tasks/write-config/task.yml
      CONFIGURATION_FILENAME: file_in_root_a-1.2.3.txt
  - put: configuration
      file: configuration/file_in_root_a-1.2.3.txt

Still haven't been able to reproduce the issue.

A couple questions to help potentially narrow this down:

  1. Is it the check that is failing or the get within a job?
  2. If it is the check. The resource ignores files that are currently copying, is it failing after the download-products pipeline is done or only when it is running?
  3. I wrote a little program to list blobs using the same code as the resource. Can you run it and see if the api call to list blobs is working as expected i.e you see the expected files? Hopefully seeing the json output of the list blobs call can shed some light on what is happening.
package main

import (


func main() {
    storageAccountName := os.Args[1]
    storageAccountKey := os.Args[2]
    container := os.Args[3]

    azureClient := azure.NewClient(

    blobs := []storage.Blob{}
    marker := ""

    for {
        blobListResponse, err := azureClient.ListBlobs(storage.ListBlobsParameters{
            Include: &storage.IncludeBlobDataset{
                Snapshots: true,
                Copy:      true,
            Marker: marker,

        if err != nil {

        for _, blob := range blobListResponse.Blobs {
            blobs = append(blobs, blob)

        marker = blobListResponse.NextMarker
        if marker == "" || len(blobListResponse.Blobs) == 0 {

    blobsJson, err := json.Marshal(blobs)
    if err != nil {


To run:

ckunst commented 4 years ago

It seems indeed that this is not something that is going to be easy to reproduce. Last night the dowload pipeline has overwritten the files and no problems occurred. Regarding the code snipped above, in my initial troubleshooting session I re-compiled the original golang resource with debug messages to trace the return of the call, hijacked the resource and noticed that when the regexp failed the returned json array was empty - that is why I initially wrote that to me it looks like an issue in the API call and/or go library. At the moment I cannot reproduce the issue but I will will update the issue if/when the issue occurs again.

jgoe-idc commented 4 years ago

We tracked down the issue with the customer today. It looks like azure is responding with an empty result set but having a next-marker set.

We edited the check.go script to output the variable contents. The "uncheckable" container shows the following output on the first check loop:

blobListResponse: {{ EnumerationResults}    2!124!MDAwMDQ4IVtlbGFzdGljLXJ1bnRpbWUsMi44LjNdY2YtMi44LjMtYnVpbGQuMjAucGl2b3RhbCEwMDAwMjghMTYwMS0wMS0wMVQwMDowMDowMC4wMDAwMDAwWiE- 0 [] [] } 

error: <nil> 

nextMarker: 2!124!MDAwMDQ4IVtlbGFzdGljLXJ1bnRpbWUsMi44LjNdY2YtMi44LjMtYnVpbGQuMjAucGl2b3RhbCEwMDAwMjghMTYwMS0wMS0wMVQwMDowMDowMC4wMDAwMDAwWiE-

2020/02/14 13:16:27 failed to get latest version from regexp: no matching blob found for regexp: platform-automation-image-(.*).zip

The "checkable" container returns a filled blob list response on the first loop run.

With the "uncheckable" container, the VersionsSinceRegexp function exits on

if marker == "" || len(blobListResponse.Blobs) == 0  {

To overcome the issue we rewrote the for loop in the function as follows:

func (c Check) VersionsSinceRegexp(expr, currentVersion string) ([]Version, error) {
    blobs := []storage.Blob{}
    marker := ""
    firstRun := "true"

    for {
        blobListResponse, err := c.azureClient.ListBlobs(storage.ListBlobsParameters{
            Include: &storage.IncludeBlobDataset{
                Snapshots: true,
                Copy:      true,
            Marker: marker,
        if err != nil {
            return []Version{}, err

        for _, blob := range blobListResponse.Blobs {
            blobs = append(blobs, blob)

        marker = blobListResponse.NextMarker
        if marker == "" || (len(blobListResponse.Blobs) == 0 && marker == "" && firstRun == "true") || (len(blobListResponse.Blobs) == 0 && marker != "" && firstRun == "false") {
        firstRun = "false"

We checked this with a working and a non working container and also set MaxResults to 5 to check if the logic works with multiple nextMarkers set. It would be nice to integrate this.

We did not manage to find a simple way to reproduce this problem, but we get it intermittently by running our download pipeline against an azure container.

christianang commented 4 years ago

Good find, that is interesting. Thanks for taking the time to track this issue down. I'll work on a fix.

christianang commented 4 years ago

Fixed inhttps://github.com/pivotal-cf/azure-blobstore-resource/releases/tag/v0.10.0. Feel free to reopen if the issue persists.