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EnvProcessor for vault service is not being executed #168

Closed artsiom-tsaryonau closed 2 years ago

artsiom-tsaryonau commented 2 years ago

I have a processor that supposed to process vault configuration from VCAP_SERVICES property.

public class VaultServiceProcessor implements CfEnvProcessor {
        public boolean accept(CfService service) {
            return service.existsByLabelStartsWith("cf-vault");

        public void process(CfCredentials cfCredentials, Map<String, Object> properties) {
            properties.put("endpoint", cfCredentials.getString("endpoint"));
            properties.put("role_id", cfCredentials.getString("role_id"));
            properties.put("secret_id", cfCredentials.getString("secret_id"));
            properties.put("org_secret_path", cfCredentials.getString("org_secret_path"));
            properties.put("space_secret_path", cfCredentials.getString("space_secret_path"));
            properties.put("service_secret_path", cfCredentials.getString("service_secret_path"));

            properties.put("spring.cloud.vault.host", cfCredentials.getString("endpoint"));
            String port = cfCredentials.getString("port"); // does not exist
            if (null == port) { // are there cases when it is not https?
                port = cfCredentials.getString("endpoint").startsWith("https") ? "443" : "80";
            properties.put("spring.cloud.vault.port", port);
            properties.put("spring.cloud.vault.scheme", "443".equals(port) ? "https" : "http");

            properties.put("spring.cloud.vault.authentication", "APPROLE");
            properties.put("spring.cloud.vault.app-role.role-id", cfCredentials.getString("role_id"));
            properties.put("spring.cloud.vault.app-role.secret-id", cfCredentials.getString("secret_id"));

        public CfEnvProcessorProperties getProperties() {
            return CfEnvProcessorProperties.builder()
                .serviceName("vault") // not sure if really needed

As far as I understand this env processor supposed to populate properties map which is Spring configuration (same as in application.yml for example).

I have specified processor in META-INF


In folder services the file contains a single like this


While another spring.factories contains this


I specified configuration object (to have properties in some object at least)

public class VaultCloudProperties {
    private String roleId;
    private String secretId;
    private String orgSecretPath;
    private String spaceSecretPath;
    private String serviceSecretPath;

    public String getRoleId() {
        return roleId;

    public void setRoleId(String roleId) {
        this.roleId = roleId;

    public String getSecretId() {
        return secretId;

    public void setSecretId(String secretId) {
        this.secretId = secretId;

    public String getOrgSecretPath() {
        return orgSecretPath;

    public void setOrgSecretPath(String orgSecretPath) {
        this.orgSecretPath = orgSecretPath;

    public String getSpaceSecretPath() {
        return spaceSecretPath;

    public void setSpaceSecretPath(String spaceSecretPath) {
        this.spaceSecretPath = spaceSecretPath;

    public String getServiceSecretPath() {
        return serviceSecretPath;

    public void setServiceSecretPath(String serviceSecretPath) {
        this.serviceSecretPath = serviceSecretPath;

    public String toString() {
        return "VaultServiceInfo [roleId=" + roleId + ", secretId=" + secretId + ", orgSecretPath="
            + orgSecretPath + ", spaceSecretPath=" + spaceSecretPath + ", serviceSecretPath="
            + serviceSecretPath + "]";

I have this bean that supposed to deal with vault properties that came from VCAP_SERIVCES

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "spring.cloud.vault.enabled", matchIfMissing = false)
// @Import(VaultBootstrapConfiguration.class)
@Order(Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 100)
public class MultiBackendsVaultConnectorBootstrapConfiguration {

  private static final Logger log =
  private static final String VERSION_BACKEND_PREFIX = "^/v1/";

  public VaultConfigurer cloudVaultConfigurer(Environment environment/*, VaultCloudProperties vaultProperties*/) {

    List<SecretBackendMetadata> backends = new ArrayList<>();
    String keyName = environment.getProperty("spring.cloud.vault.defaultKey");

    // failed to inject VaultCloudProperties as it could not find the bean
            .replaceAll(VERSION_BACKEND_PREFIX, ""), keyName));
            .replaceAll(VERSION_BACKEND_PREFIX, ""), keyName));
            .replaceAll(VERSION_BACKEND_PREFIX, ""), keyName));

    return new VaultConnectorConfigurer(backends);

   static class VaultConnectorConfigurer implements VaultConfigurer {

    private final Collection<SecretBackendMetadata> backends;

    VaultConnectorConfigurer(Collection<SecretBackendMetadata> backends) {

      this.backends = backends;

    public void addSecretBackends(SecretBackendConfigurer configurer) {

      for (SecretBackendMetadata metadata : backends) {

I commented VaultBootstrapConfiguration.class configuration because after moving away from connectors to cf-env it is unable instantiate clientAuthentication anymore.

But when I run the application, it tries to instantiate VaultConnectorConfigurer but fails to do that. And debug stop in VaultServiceProcessor is never being executed (just like I cannot autowire VaultCloudProperties).

What might be the reason?

artsiom-tsaryonau commented 2 years ago

Ok, when I remove file in services folder and put everything into a single spring.factories file, it started to pick up processor.