pivotal-legacy / PivotalCoreKit

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Upgrade Cedar & conform SpecHelpers with hooks #190

Closed idoru closed 8 years ago

idoru commented 8 years ago

SpecHelpers with global callbacks now weakly conform to CDRHooks

Cedar 1.0 now requires this for the callbacks to be triggered. The protocol is looked up and added in +load on these classes. This is admittedly a minimal attempt that gets things working for now.

We should probably discuss how we feel about a more flexible registration system that supports other tools for the spec helpers at some point. @akitchen @briancroom @tjarratt Thoughts?

tjarratt commented 8 years ago

This looks good for now. Seems like having a more general purpose solution for adding these before each hooks to your testing framework of choice (e.g.: Quick, Specta, Kiwi, or XCTest) would be nicer.

This is definitely needed for now with Cedar v1.0 coming out. Thanks @idoru!