pivotal-legacy / PivotalCoreKit

Shared library and test code for iOS and macOS projects
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Explicitly import libxml2.parser when needed #206

Closed jacobsimeon closed 6 years ago

jacobsimeon commented 6 years ago

When attempting to build this project from Xcode 9.3, the following error was erupting:

$(SOURCE_ROOT)/PivotalCoreKit/Foundation/Core/Parsers/PCKXMLParser.m:5:22: error: definition of '_xmlSAXHandler' must be imported from module 'libxml2.parser' before it is required
static xmlSAXHandler simpleSAXStruct;

Adding @import libxml2.parser to the top of PCKXMLParser.m resolved the issue.

tjarratt commented 6 years ago

This should have been fixed by f3117622f283896bfb23f4a451726f87b0ac8f1c -- all credit to @jacobsimeon for identifying the problem, reporting it and gently encouraging me to update PCK.

jacobsimeon commented 6 years ago

Looks good! thanks @tjarratt