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Make responsive figure shortcode emit urls that respect hugo's baseURL #271

Closed rctay closed 4 years ago

rctay commented 4 years ago

The relURL function is flexible enough to accomodate assets that we may or may not host (eg. another domain).


rctay commented 4 years ago

I was worried, as this commit has a potential retrospective effect - because hugo builds the whole site every time, posts that had been published before this commit might be affected if this commit was awry.

I tried to verify that there weren't any changes in the resulting HTML, apart from staging - urls (eg. /images/foo.png) now correctly contain hugo's baseURL. Staging was configured with a baseURL that ended with a path (eg. /271/), so with this commit, the resulting url now looks like /271/images/foo.png. To do this, I first built both master and this branch.

# on master
$ git switch master
$ PR_NUMBER=123 bin/build
$ mv public public-master
# switch to this branch
$ git switch responsive-figure-relurl
$ PR_NUMBER=123 bin/build
$ mv public public-responsive

I then constructed a pair of paths, one relative to public-master and a corresponding one relative to public-responsive.

$ (cd public-master && find . -type f) | awk '{n=substr($0, 3); printf "\"public-master/%s\" \"public-responsive/%s\"\n", n, n; }'
"public-master/prod/tweet/index.xml" "public-responsive/prod/tweet/index.xml"
"public-master/prod/tweet/placeholder/index.html" "public-responsive/prod/tweet/placeholder/index.html"
"public-master/prod/github.css" "public-responsive/prod/github.css"
"public-master/prod/favicon.ico" "public-responsive/prod/favicon.ico"
"public-master/prod/index.html" "public-responsive/prod/index.html"
"public-master/prod/post/spring-boot-application-with-kotlin/index.html" "public-responsive/prod/post/spring-boot-application-with-kotlin/index.html"
"public-master/prod/post/benchmarking-apache-geodes-performance/index.html" "public-responsive/prod/post/benchmarking-apache-geodes-performance/index.html"

Using this sequence of pairs, I did a diff between them:

$ (cd public-master && find . -type f) | awk '{n=substr($0, 3); printf "\"public-master/%s\" \"public-resp/%s\"\n", n, n; }' | xargs -n 2 diff -u
--- public-master/staging/123/post/benchmarking-apache-geodes-performance/index.html  2020-06-12 16:42:58.000000000 +0800
+++ public-responsive/staging/123/post/benchmarking-apache-geodes-performance/index.html  2020-06-12 16:45:23.000000000 +0800
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@

   <figure class="center fig-responsive">

-          <img src="/images/GeodeBenchmarkFigure1.png" alt="Figure 1: Geode 1.9.0 Average Throughput by Test (in average operations per second) - PartitionedGetBenchmark 203,855; ReplicatedGetBenchmark 244,463; PartitionedPutBenchmark 181,655; ReplicatedPutBenchmark 207,697" />
+          <img src="/123/images/GeodeBenchmarkFigure1.png" alt="Figure 1: Geode 1.9.0 Average Throughput by Test (in average operations per second) - PartitionedGetBenchmark 203,855; ReplicatedGetBenchmark 244,463; PartitionedPutBenchmark 181,655; ReplicatedPutBenchmark 207,697" />

There were differences, and as expected, only the output for staging builds differed.

So, this is a safe commit.