[x] Several weeks before: send out an email to the participants reminding them that they are signed up and to clear their calendars. You can find a template in FACILITATING.md.
[x] You will be communicating with / authing these folks a lot. I find it helpful to save a copy/pasteable list of their names here:
Sara Arntz <sarntz@pivotal.io>, Judy van Soldt <jvansoldt@pivotal.io>, Samuel Waggoner <swaggoner@pivotal.io>
[x] The week before: send out an email to each of the participants. You can find a template in FACILITATING.md.
~- [ ]~ Get a Zoom room setup for remote participants. {} (Make sure to include this on your calendar invites.) . -- Added automated Zooms to calendar events instead.
[x] Schedule a welcome/orientation session (1hr at 9:30 Monday morning). Discuss the goals of the week and prime the participants to consider what they'd like to get out of Onboarding week.
[x] Schedule daily standup (15min at 9:15, starting Tuesday).
[x] Schedule any sessions that you know the group would be interested in -- for example, BOSH boxes and lines.
~- [ ]~ In the past, non Engineers have appreciated it when we blocked out the entire days of onbaording. This is especially helpful if done a few weeks in advance; so, they have time to move meetings and avoid having new ones scheduled in the first place. -- Great idea, but missed this time.
These are core CF topics, other topics are a bit more "extra credit".
[x] If your CF on-boarding will include the GCP track (gcp tracker label / the oss build) then ensure participants have access to the CF-Onboarding-dns project in GCP (for DNS propagation). IAM for DNS
Tracker Setup
[x] Make sure you have Tracker projects prepared.
[x] In SF, we use the following trackers projects:
curl -LOk https://github.com/pivotal-cf-experimental/onboarding-week-construct/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd onboarding-week-construct-master
You'll need to babysit this process, as it will prompt you for the password several times.
[x] Record any issues you have with this process so we can update this checklist.
Imaging server was inaccessible. Got help from Kevin on the OSM team to re-image the machine's using their USB copy of Catalina. Need to update the WORKSTATION_IMAGING.md document to indicate this and explain how to re-image this alternate way in case the imaging server is down in the future.
Feedback from Emily B. - Docker part was confusing. Not clear that you have to click on the Docker whale icon to start the Docker daemon.
When running ./construct to install all tools on the Onboarding workstation:
-- Problem:
Ran into a problem seen during the November 2019 Onboarding workstation setup:
-* installing homebrew-casks
Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask-cask instead.
**-- Workaround solution:**
Type `brew cask`, which seems to install the brew cask tool. Then delete the directory onboarding-week-construct/homebrew-casks
==> Tapping homebrew/cask
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask'...
Homebrew Cask provides a friendly CLI workflow for the administration
of macOS applications distributed as binaries.
--cache display the file used to cache the Cask
**-- Ideal solution:**
In https://github.com/pivotal-cf-experimental/onboarding-week-construct repository, change homebrew-casks/install.sh from:
brew tap cask/cask
brew cask
However this fix results in the need to run `./construct` multiple times:
-- The first time it fails with:
Successfully installed ruby 2.4.0 into /Users/pivotal/.rubies/ruby-2.4.0
zsh:1: command not found: chruby
-- The second time it fails with:
ln: /usr/local/bin/vi: File exists
-- The third time it succeeds.
Guess why: Perhaps there is need for changing the order of installation of some of these tools?
Sara Arntz <sarntz@pivotal.io>, Judy van Soldt <jvansoldt@pivotal.io>, Samuel Waggoner <swaggoner@pivotal.io>
These are core CF topics, other topics are a bit more "extra credit".
As a helpful reminder, you can save the name of the speaker w/ checkbox.
IaaS Setup
tracker label / theoss
build) then ensure participants have access to theCF-Onboarding-dns
project in GCP (for DNS propagation). IAM for DNSTracker Setup
./build oss
from the onboarding project, this will generateonboarding-tracker.csv
brew cask install docker
failed to dial gRPC: unable to upgrade to h2c, received 502 context canceled
LastPass Setup
Workstation Setup
Note: local IT departments can sometimes help with workstation setup. (Helpful for remote facilitation.)
You'll need to babysit this process, as it will prompt you for the password several times.
Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask-cask instead.
==> Tapping homebrew/cask Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask'... ... Homebrew Cask provides a friendly CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries.
brew tap cask/cask
brew cask
Guess why: Perhaps there is need for changing the order of installation of some of these tools?
-- References: Found this solution in this helpful post.
Workstation Setup Action Items