pivotal / cf-onboarding

Iterating on Onboarding Week with lightning speed and cunning
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SF Onboarding Week - January 27, 2020 #310

Open suprajanarasimhan opened 4 years ago

suprajanarasimhan commented 4 years ago




These are core CF topics, other topics are a bit more "extra credit".

As a helpful reminder, you can save the name of the speaker w/ checkbox.

IaaS Setup

Tracker Setup

LastPass Setup

Workstation Setup

Note: local IT departments can sometimes help with workstation setup. (Helpful for remote facilitation.)


Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask-cask instead.

**-- Workaround solution:**
Type `brew cask`, which seems to install the brew cask tool.  Then delete the directory onboarding-week-construct/homebrew-casks

==> Tapping homebrew/cask Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask'... ... Homebrew Cask provides a friendly CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries.


--cache    display the file used to cache the Cask


**-- Ideal solution:**
In https://github.com/pivotal-cf-experimental/onboarding-week-construct repository, change homebrew-casks/install.sh from:

brew tap cask/cask


brew cask

However this fix results in the need to run `./construct` multiple times:
-- The first time it fails with:

Successfully installed ruby 2.4.0 into /Users/pivotal/.rubies/ruby-2.4.0 zsh:1: command not found: chruby

-- The second time it fails with:

ln: /usr/local/bin/vi: File exists

-- The third time it succeeds.

Guess why: Perhaps there is need for changing the order of installation of some of these tools?

-- References: Found this solution in this helpful post.

Workstation Setup Action Items

suprajanarasimhan commented 4 years ago

We can consider this checklist complete with the exception of the "Workstation Setup Action Items."