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download-product config example mentions s3-auth-method instead of s3-auth-type #16

Closed Logiraptor closed 5 years ago

Logiraptor commented 5 years ago

URL or GitHub link to the page where you're having the issue http://docs.pivotal.io/platform-automation/v3.0/reference/inputs-outputs.html#download-product-config line 46 in the code block at the bottom

Is your request for a change or addition to content related to a problem? If so, please describe. The code mentions s3-auth-method when the actual flag is s3-auth-type.

Describe the solution you'd like Change s3-auth-method to s3-auth-type.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context I found the correct flag by running om download-product --help with version 1.1.0.

$ om --version 
$ om download-product --help
ॐ  download-product
This command attempts to download a single product file from Pivotal Network. The API token used must be associated with a user account that has already accepted the EULA for the specified product

Usage: om [options] download-product [<args>]
  --client-id, -c, OM_CLIENT_ID                          string  Client ID for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
  --client-secret, -s, OM_CLIENT_SECRET                  string  Client Secret for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
  --connect-timeout, -o, OM_CONNECT_TIMEOUT              int     timeout in seconds to make TCP connections (default: 10)
  --decryption-passphrase, -d, OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE  string  Passphrase to decrypt the installation if the Ops Manager VM has been rebooted (optional for most commands)
  --env, -e                                              string  env file with login credentials
  --help, -h                                             bool    prints this usage information (default: false)
  --password, -p, OM_PASSWORD                            string  admin password for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
  --request-timeout, -r, OM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT              int     timeout in seconds for HTTP requests to Ops Manager (default: 1800)
  --skip-ssl-validation, -k, OM_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION      bool    skip ssl certificate validation during http requests (default: false)
  --target, -t, OM_TARGET                                string  location of the Ops Manager VM
  --trace, -tr, OM_TRACE                                 bool    prints HTTP requests and response payloads
  --username, -u, OM_USERNAME                            string  admin username for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
  --version, -v                                          bool    prints the om release version (default: false)

Command Arguments:
  --config, -c                 string             path to yml file for configuration (keys must match the following command line flags)
  --download-stemcell          bool               no-op for backwards compatibility
  --output-directory, -o       string (required)  directory path to which the file will be outputted. File Name will be preserved from Pivotal Network
  --pivnet-api-token, -t       string (required)  API token to use when interacting with Pivnet. Can be retrieved from your profile page in Pivnet.
  --pivnet-disable-ssl         bool               whether to disable ssl validation when contacting the Pivotal Network
  --pivnet-file-glob, -f       string (required)  glob to match files within Pivotal Network product to be downloaded.
  --pivnet-product-slug, -p    string (required)  path to product
  --product-version, -v        string             version of the product-slug to download files from. Incompatible with --product-version-regex flag.
  --product-version-regex, -r  string             regex pattern matching versions of the product-slug to download files from. Highest-versioned match will be used. Incompatible with --product-version flag.
  --s3-access-key-id           string             access key for the s3 compatible blobstore
  --s3-auth-type               string             can be set to "iam" in order to allow use of instance credentials (default: accesskey)
  --s3-bucket                  string             bucket name where the product resides in the s3 compatible blobstore
  --s3-disable-ssl             bool               whether to disable ssl validation when contacting the s3 compatible blobstore
  --s3-enable-v2-signing       bool               whether to use v2 signing with your s3 compatible blobstore. (if you don't know what this is, leave blank, or set to 'false')
  --s3-endpoint                string             the endpoint to access the s3 compatible blobstore. If not using AWS, this is required
  --s3-product-path            string             specify the lookup path where the s3 product artifacts are stored. for example, "/location-name/" will look for files under s3://bucket-name/location-name/
  --s3-region-name             string             bucket region in the s3 compatible blobstore. If not using AWS, this value is 'region'
  --s3-secret-access-key       string             secret key for the s3 compatible blobstore
  --s3-stemcell-path           string             specify the lookup path where the s3 stemcell artifacts are stored. for example, "/location-name/" will look for files under s3://bucket-name/location-name/
  --source, -s                 string             enables download from external sources when set to "s3". if not provided, files will be downloaded from Pivnet
  --stemcell-iaas              string             download the latest available stemcell for the product for the specified iaas. for example 'vsphere' or 'vcloud' or 'openstack' or 'google' or 'azure' or 'aws'
  --vars-env                   string (variadic)  load variables from environment variables matching the provided prefix (e.g.: 'MY' to load MY_var=value)
  --vars-file, -l              string (variadic)  load variables from a YAML file
cf-gitbot commented 5 years ago

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this. Unfortunately, the Pivotal Tracker project is private so you may be unable to view the contents of the story.

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

Logiraptor commented 5 years ago

In our case, we're using the --config option to pass the flag via file, not the command line.

ccattin commented 5 years ago

Thank you for senind this to us, we fixed this and it is live now.