pivotalexperimental / desert

Desert is a component framework for Rails that allows your plugins have a Rails app like directory structure, routes, migrations, and dependencies.
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Compatibility with Rails 3.0? #5

Open bborn opened 14 years ago

bborn commented 14 years ago

Hi guys, Just curious if Rails 3.0 compatibility is being considered for Desert, and if it will even be necessary, given many of the changes in Rails core. Have any decisions been made about the Desert gem going forward? Thanks, Bruno

bengreenberg commented 14 years ago

I am very curious about this as well!

lgs commented 14 years ago

... any news on what's going on Rails3 ?

simonexmachina commented 14 years ago

I also am very curious about this as well!

cveneziani commented 14 years ago

Is there some news about this ?

Jimflip commented 14 years ago

Can we please have some information about this?

jereme commented 13 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, Rails 3 provides shared library functionality and desert is obsolete. However, i don't write Rails 3 apps, so I could be wildly wrong.