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Package issue: clang-format #248

Open nightlark opened 2 years ago

nightlark commented 2 years ago

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I am the maintainer

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I'm trying to figure out why the build failed -- did it reach a timeout or was their a failure earlier in the process such as getting the source code or a compiler error?

bennuttall commented 2 years ago

It failed on cp35m because of the use of f-strings which require Python 3.6. It hasn't been attempted on cp37m or cp39 yet, as there was something blocking the queue. I've just unblocked it so it should be attempted soon.

bennuttall commented 2 years ago

It's now failed on the others due to the project trying to run a "git clone" which isn't permitted in piwheels.

nightlark commented 2 years ago

Thanks! It seems the time taken to fetch and extract a source tarball would be a good change for much faster builds too... 4x faster than a shallow clone, and minutes faster than the current git clone. I'll try to make some of the changes and maybe a future update will build successfully.

nightlark commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to get a build run triggered (for Python 3.7 or 3.9) using the sdist published on TestPyPI https://test.pypi.org/project/clang-format/13.0.0/?

Or are there instructions for locally replicating the build environment to see if it will work on the next PyPI release?

bennuttall commented 2 years ago

Like I said, "git clone" is not permitted in piwheels, that's the problem. You can't run "git clone" in your setup script.

nightlark commented 2 years ago

Like I said, "git clone" is not permitted in piwheels, that's the problem. You can't run "git clone" in your setup script.

Yes, I know... unfortunately the maintainer didn't get the change merged until after already publishing a 13.0.0 release on PyPI, however he did publish an sdist with the change to TestPyPI, hence the question about getting a test build triggered based on the TestPyPI sdist (the 13.0.0 sdist on TestPyPI was published after the 13.0.0 release on PyPI, and differs in that it has the git clone issue fixed) or replicating the build environment on a local rPi.

The maintainer said he doesn't really want to publish a patch release because then the package version number will no longer match up with the clang-format version being packaged -- clang-format only releases a new version every 3-6 months, which is a very long iteration time to find out if there are any other issues building the wheel now that the fix for the git clone issue has been merged.

Edit: Sorry if this came across as a bit brusque -- I'm just trying to explain why I asked those questions since it seems like you misinterpreted them as meaning that I hadn't addressed the git clone issue (probably because of how the 13.0.0 version on TestPyPI and PyPI are not identical), rather than as being questions intended as a way to find out if there are any additional errors that will also need fixing now that the git clone issue is resolved.