I am aware this is the issue tracker for a Python package index specifically for Raspberry Pi
[X] Yes
I have checked for duplicate issues
[X] Yes
I am the maintainer
[ ] Yes
More information
Maybe there's an issue with the check of newer versions for all packages as I checked for some others and the last version wasn't there either.
The problem is not that it's not building, it doesn't show the version at all on piwheels!
Package name
Package version
piwheels URL
Python version
I am aware this is the issue tracker for a Python package index specifically for Raspberry Pi
I have checked for duplicate issues
I am the maintainer
More information
Maybe there's an issue with the check of newer versions for all packages as I checked for some others and the last version wasn't there either. The problem is not that it's not building, it doesn't show the version at all on piwheels!