pixel-cookers / built-with-badges

Want to proudly display the technologies you use in your project README or on your project website? Now you can.
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Misspellings and missing badges #2

Open gokemon opened 7 years ago

gokemon commented 7 years ago


This is awesome! The whole idea of mini-badges like this. Thanks for doing it. Maybe you could post the PSD so others can build more. I am not a designer and am asking if you could make new badges for the new Bootstrap 4, Gulp and Webpack, as well as the new Angular 2. And if it's not too much can you make one for Express and maybe a MEAN one? And a new one for pug which replaced Jade. And TypeScript? And maybe Java, or is there one already out there for that?

As for the misspellings, the "irebase" should be "Firebase"? and "vn" should be SVN?

jaugustin commented 7 years ago


The source file is a fireworks file, available in the repository https://github.com/pixel-cookers/built-with-badges/blob/master/_sources/built-with-badges.fw.png

We don't have time to make new badges but we will be happy to accept MR with new badges.

The misspellings for firebase and svn has been fixed thanks to @shreypuranik