pixelcog / parallax.js

Simple parallax scrolling effect inspired by Spotify.com implemented as a jQuery plugin
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data-mirror-selector not working #240

Closed nicolasdeory closed 6 years ago

nicolasdeory commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to use data-mirror-selector so I can position the parallax-mirror not directly as a child of the body, but as a child of a div. This is my parallax window code:

<div class="parallax-container" style="height: 100px;" data-parallax="scroll" data-mirror-selector=".post-parallax-image" data-bleed="10" data-speed="0.2" data-image-src="XXXXXX"></div>

This creates a parallax-mirror element directly under the body, which makes it impossible (due to how my website is built) to see the parallax image through the 'window'.

wstoettinger commented 6 years ago

Hey @guachitonico !

could you provide a link to your site or an example? That was it would be easier to help you!

Best Wolfgang

nicolasdeory commented 6 years ago

Sure. I could reproduce the issue in a CodePen: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/PQoKvq . You should scroll to see the parallax window.

wstoettinger commented 6 years ago

Hey @guachitonico ! "data-mirror-container" is only available since v1.5, you are using 1.4.2 from the cdn. this attribute was then renamed to "data-mirror-selector" in v2-alpha. in both cases the attribute is a jquery selector, so for a class you need to use a dot before the class-name.

so for v1.5 use "data-mirror-container", for v2-alpha use "data-mirror-selector".

let me know if this resolves the issue!

nicolasdeory commented 6 years ago

Hi! I'm using 2.0 alpha on my website, I forgot to check the parallax version of the codePen sample. Do you have CDNs for 2.0? Anyhow, I think I updated to 1.5, but it's still not working.


<div class="showparallaxhere"></div>

  <div class="parallax-container" style="height: 100px;" data-parallax="scroll" data-mirror-container=".showparallaxhere" data-bleed="10" data-speed="0.2" data-image-src="https://nicolasdeory.azurewebsites.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/IMG_17832.jpg"></div>
wstoettinger commented 6 years ago

Since v2 is still in alpha there is no CDN available yet, however I appreciate that people are using it to collect some experience and get some feedback.

As for you code pen: it does work (for me)!

I get the following html structure:

<div class="showparallaxhere">
   <div class="parallax-mirror" 
        style="z-index: -100; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(8px, 355px, 0px); visibility: visible; height: 120px; width: 334px;">
      <img class="parallax-slider" 
           style="transform: translate3d(0px, -66px, 0px); position: absolute; height: 222px; width: 334px; max-width: none;">

<div class="parallax-container" 
     style="height: 100px;" 

The parallax-container stays there, but it doesn't display anything anyways. the parallax-mirror is properly created inside the showparallaxhere div.

nicolasdeory commented 6 years ago

Alright, what 😄 It seems to work on my machine now as well. I'll try it on my site sometime this week and if it's still not working, I'll reopen the issue. Thanks!

wstoettinger commented 6 years ago

seems to be fixed!