pixelcog / parallax.js

Simple parallax scrolling effect inspired by Spotify.com implemented as a jQuery plugin
MIT License
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Parallax in scrolled popup with body overflow: hidden #277

Open morawcik opened 5 years ago

morawcik commented 5 years ago


Like in title - I have popup with Parallax plugin and when popup is opened then body has style overflow: hidden But it cause the problem: when I have cursor over Parallax then nothing is scrolling (popup or Parallax) because it takes behavior from body. But when I have cursor outside the Parallax then it works great. Example is available at https://www.nyloncoffee.pl/identyfikacja-wizualna-corporate-indentity-dla-firmy-z-branzy-przemyslowej - it has already opened popup, first image is Parallax

PS Sorry for my english