Closed lyarinet closed 6 years ago
After is accepted you can get the crew and cast picture the way it is described in the infoPerson.php Exmaple file.
By now you can access the crew and cast data from a movie with my comment in:
When you iterating over the crew or the cast data you can access the picture by accessing the correct array key. For example: ` $castArray = $movie->get('credits')['cast'];
foreach($castArray as $castData){ $picturePath = $castData['profile_path']; } `
Thanks For replay create a example file please
Thanks I Do it but u make the all fix in example files for new users
Sorry i do not understand what you want :-(
$movie->get('credits')['cast'] $movie->get('credits')['crew']
$castArray = $movie->get('credits')['cast'];
foreach($castArray as $castData){ $picturePath = $castData['profile_path']; }
the all classes files
I think you should wait for the Pull Request. Then it would be all clear.
This code sample i described is only a current workaround for accessing the data you want. After the PR it will be more easy to access the data.
@pixelead0 Issue could be closed, because of the mentioned PR
Best API Hello Sir please need sum help to get picture for persons how to get crew and cast picture in infomovie.php