pixelfed / support

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Invites seemingly not working nor documented #173

Open stevenroose opened 1 year ago

stevenroose commented 1 year ago

I just finished the official installation manual and got a working PixelFed instance, quite nice.

However, I set OPEN_REGISTRATION to false because I want a private instance.

I made a new admin user for myself over the artisan command line.

Now, there doesn't seem to be a way for other users to join? Do I add them all through the command line?

I searched in the issue field for invites, found a user citing the PF_USERS_INVITES config field. That turns out to not exist, but PF_USER_INVITES does seem to exist.

I look at the doc file of all config options and find them, so I set this:


I run the php artisan config:cache to refresh the config. Nothing changes, I still can't find an invite option anywhere.

I tried running php artisan route:cache and php artisan view:cache because maybe some of the views etc are cached. No success.

I find a comment from 2020 where @dansup says the invite feature is not released yet.

So are invites supported or not? How do they work? They are not covered in any documentation.

trwnh commented 1 year ago

looks like a possible typo in your config? you said you set PF_USER_INVITE="true" but it should be PF_USER_INVITES="true" with an s

this is what i could find in commits for invites: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/commit/da0b3b5f1ce032b682c4d1e0db43d7cba025b9a3

stevenroose commented 1 year ago

Ugh, I was so careful typing it correctly in my issue and when grepping, but I didn't notice I typed it wrong the very first time. Thanks!

stevenroose commented 1 year ago

Well, the menus show up now, but like mentioned in this issue, no actual invites are sent out.. https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/issues/2238