pixelglow / ZipZap

zip file I/O library for iOS, macOS and tvOS
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Archives are corrupt on iOS 10.2 #156

Open jjxtra opened 7 years ago

jjxtra commented 7 years ago

Using this code to create an archive, I'm unable to open in Windows or MAC.

        ZZArchive* archive = [[ZZArchive alloc] initWithURL:url options:@{ZZOpenOptionsCreateIfMissingKey : @YES} error:&error];
        if (error == nil)
            NSMutableArray* entries = [NSMutableArray array];
            for (NSURL* fileURL in fileURLs)
                NSURL* fileURLCopy = fileURL;
                fileAttributes = [fm attributesOfItemAtPath:fileURL.path error:&error];
                fileSumSize += fileAttributes.fileSize;
                NSString* subFile = [fileURL.path substringFromIndex:root.length];
                NSString* subDir = [subFile stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
                if (subDir.length > 0 && ![dirs containsObject:subDir])
                    [dirs addObject:subDir];
                    ZZArchiveEntry* dirEntry = [ZZArchiveEntry archiveEntryWithDirectoryName:subDir];
                    [entries addObject:dirEntry];
                ZZArchiveEntry* entry = [ZZArchiveEntry archiveEntryWithFileName:subFile compress:NO streamBlock:^(NSOutputStream* output, NSError** _error)
                    uint8_t buffer[8192];
                    NSInputStream* input = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:fileURLCopy.path];
                    NSInteger count;
                    [input open];
                    while ((count = [input read:buffer maxLength:8192]) > 0)
                        NSInteger written = 0;
                        while (written < count)
                            written += [output write:buffer + written maxLength:count - written];
                            bytesWritten += written;
                    [input close];
                    [self updateProgress:++filesWritten total:fileURLs.count];
                    return YES;
                [entries addObject:entry];
            if (error == nil)
                [archive updateEntries:entries error:&error];
pixelglow commented 7 years ago

From inspection, I don't see any issues with the code.

Please supply a self-contained Xcode project with sample files and the minimal code needed to show the problem.