Din feedback-ul primit de pe Pixelgrade Cloud, multi din ei s-au referit la posibilitatea de a selecta precis codul de culoare in linie cu branding-ul lor.
@razwan avem vreo optiune sa afisam si field-ul de hex de la color picker-ul default?
4* I would like to have color codes
1* I would like to put in Hex Color Codes.
3* I'd like a way to choose custom html codes that are aligned with my branding. Now I just guessed which is not perfect. Other than that, color palettes are great!
4* It would be great to be able to copy a color (name or hex code) and be able to paste it to adjust a different palette.
2* No Hexa selector
4* Only reason I am saying 4 instead of 5 is I thought it would have been very handy to be able to click on one of the four colours and enter a specific hex colour code to swap it for. Otherwise, nice work!
Din feedback-ul primit de pe Pixelgrade Cloud, multi din ei s-au referit la posibilitatea de a selecta precis codul de culoare in linie cu branding-ul lor.
@razwan avem vreo optiune sa afisam si field-ul de hex de la color picker-ul default?
cc @vladolaru @oanafilip