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Unexpected "non-breaking spaces" when switching from Visual to Text mode #82

Open alinclamba opened 6 years ago

alinclamba commented 6 years ago

A client using Osteria theme noticed that when making changes in the content, in Visual mode, there are added  . Here's a short self-explanatory video: https://cl.ly/e043fc2f7661

From customer's note:

When using the VisualEditor and save a page, your saving routine adds > < and line-breaks.We analyzed it and it gives the impression, that you have problems with the wp_autop() and/or a regular expression

alinclamba commented 5 years ago

@vladolaru can you please double check this again? The problem seems to be present again. Here's a print screen: http://redjetcreative.com/hannahs/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/theme-spaces.jpg

alinclamba commented 5 years ago

[Alex] @vladolaru A client from Rosa theme identified the same issue when trying to edit the Contact page. However, I noticed that when you put the close tag's [/row] and [/col], close together, the issue disappears.

From this: [/col] [/row]

To this: [/col][/row]

Here's a video to show you what I mean: https://cl.ly/8ab8d86ff93e

georgeolaru commented 4 years ago

@alinclamba that's a known issue that we couldn't figure out a reliable solution yet.

Maybe we should promote to not switch between Visual and Text tabs, or block shortcodes rendering when get back to Visual tab.

Until we will find more time and ideas for a proper fix, we will reduce the priority level for this issue.