pixeli99 / SVD_Xtend

Stable Video Diffusion Training Code and Extensions.
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pretrained_model_name_or_path报错 #52

Open 1585511010 opened 2 months ago

1585511010 commented 2 months ago

请问一下这个是svd_xt_image_decoder.safetensors吗,为什么我加上路径之后报错我配置的参数是pretrained_model_name_or_path="/SVD_Xtend-main/svd_xt_image_decoder.safetensors"然后就报错 raise EnvironmentError(f"It looks like the config file at '{config_file}' is not a valid JSON file.") OSError: It looks like the config file at '/SVD_Xtend-main/svd_xt_image_decoder.safetensors' is not a valid JSON file. 是不是我下载的这个不是预训练权重文件

KhaledButainy commented 2 months ago

Try adding the repo ID from HuggingFace