pixelite1201 / BEDLAM

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label for multiple humans #13

Closed baeckgoo closed 11 months ago

baeckgoo commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your great dataset. I'm trying to render multiple humans in a single image.

I've downloaded ground-truth labels in the following link: https://bedlam.is.tue.mpg.de/imagesgt.html

I'm testing it with the following files:

- sequence: 20221010_3_1000_batch01hand
- label: all_npz_12_training/20221010_3_1000_batch01hand_6fps.npy

As you said, the file is with respect to the crop of a single person. The rendering result using the above label file is as follows: image

How can I get other label files for other two persons? There are three persons.

I found three files with similar name. But, the files are not related each other.

Thank you.

pixelite1201 commented 11 months ago

Hello, As I have already reply through the mail, information of all subjects are contained in the same .npz file distinguishable by center flag. Please checkout the details in https://github.com/pixelite1201/BEDLAM/tree/master/data_processing code.