pixelite1201 / BEDLAM

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Minor bug in dataloader #20

Closed twehrbein closed 10 months ago

twehrbein commented 10 months ago

Hey! I believe I found a small bug in the code. In the dataset files, you transform the images twice from BGR2RGB during training. Once when loading the images and the second time before applying augmentations (https://github.com/pixelite1201/BEDLAM/blob/master/train/dataset/dataset.py#L134). This results in the model being trained on BGR images, but evaluated on RGB images. After fixing this and retraining the BEDLAM-CLIFF model, the metrics on 3DPW improve for ~1mm w.r.t. the numbers reported in the paper.

pixelite1201 commented 10 months ago

THanks a lot! It does seem that BGR2RGB is used twice. I will verify the results and update the code.

pixelite1201 commented 10 months ago

Updated the code. Once again thanks for the information.