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data_processing for 20221013_3_250_batch01hand_static_bigOffice #45

Open baeckgoo opened 5 months ago

baeckgoo commented 5 months ago

Hi. Thank you for your bedlam dataset!

I'm trying to get data (.npy file) from this instruction.

I've run the script as follows:

python df_full_body_smpl.py --fps 6

However, the error occurred in this video sequence (20221013_3_250_batch01hand_static_bigOffice,static-office). The error message is as follows:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/BEDLAM/data_processing/df_full_body_smpl.py", line 467, in <module>
    get_params(image_folder, fl, start_frame, gender_sub, smpl_param_orig, trans_body, body_yaw_, cam_x, cam_y, cam_z, fps, person_id, cam_pitch_=cam_pitch_, cam_roll_=cam_roll_, cam_yaw_=cam_yaw_  )
  File "/home/BEDLAM/data_processing/df_full_body_smpl.py", line 319, in get_params
    cam_pitch_ind = -cam_pitch_[cam_ind]
IndexError: list index out of range

How can I solve this?