pixelite1201 / BEDLAM

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About agora-bfh, agora-body file #46

Closed nguyenquivinhquang closed 1 month ago

nguyenquivinhquang commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your wonderful work and robust baseline code for SMPLX. I want to ask how can you obtain 2 files agora-bfh.npz and agora-body.npz. If possible, could you please give me the code to generate these 2 files?

Thank you, Vinh Quang

pixelite1201 commented 1 month ago

It is part of the released training labels. Please check here

nguyenquivinhquang commented 1 month ago

Can I ask how you can generate these files? I have checked and see that the pose values from these files are different from the original Agora dataset.

pixelite1201 commented 1 month ago

The process is similar to the code here with certain modifications. The original pose in AGORA files are not optimized for training i.e. they are not in camera frame but local frame and we need the pose in camera coordinates for training.