pixelmatix / SmartMatrix

SmartMatrix Library for Teensy 3, Teensy 4, and ESP32
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SmartMatrix + FastLED (Neopixels) ESP32 crash #65

Closed marcmerlin closed 3 years ago

marcmerlin commented 5 years ago

When using NeoPixels on ESP32 with https://github.com/samguyer/FastLED everything works fine. When using https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED instead, SmartMatrix crashes.

Normally I'd blame FastLED but the crash is in SmartMatrix. I'm not very familiar with ESP32 crashes/panics. Are they usually correct about which library is at fault when both cores are used, or could the problem very well be a bug in FastLED master that is fixed in Sam Guyer's branch?

This is not a must fix for me, I'm fine using Sam's ESP32 branch which probably is better/more up to date, but I'm filing this bug in case it points to a problem in SmartMatrix.

Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic’ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1) PC: 0x400d0f84: SMLayerBackground ::swapBuffers(bool) at /home/merlin/Arduino/libraries/SmartMatrix_ESP32/src/Layer_Background_Impl.h line 921 EXCVADDR: 0x00000000

Decoding stack results 0x400d0f84: SMLayerBackground ::swapBuffers(bool) at /home/merlin/Arduino/libraries/SmartMatrix_ESP32/src/Layer_Background_Impl.h line 921 0x400d1c3c: loop() at /home/merlin/arduino/libraries/SmartMatrix_ESP32/examples/DemoFastLED/DemoFastLED.ino line 163 0x400e7806: loopTask(void*) at /home/merlin/Arduino/hardware/espressif/esp32/cores/esp32/main.cpp line 17

Code: https://github.com/marcmerlin/SmartMatrix/blob/teensylc/examples/DemoFastLED/DemoFastLED.ino

AndreasMainz commented 3 years ago

You got a watchdog error. Just try to fix it with delay(10) in the Loop function. It helped in my case..

embedded-creations commented 3 years ago

the calcTask on ESP32 now yields to reset the watchdog (in the upcoming SmartLED Shield 4.0 release), I hope this is resolved:

            if(currentMillis - lastMillis >= 4500){
                // sleep a bit to reset the watchdog (default is 5000ms between resets)
                lastMillis = currentMillis;