pixelriot / GodotGoG

GOG module for Godot engine.
MIT License
100 stars 4 forks source link

Unable to compile GOG module for 3.5 Godot #2

Open AndrejsKlavins opened 1 year ago

AndrejsKlavins commented 1 year ago


Not sure, if you still support this, but as we want to integrate our Godot game in GOG store, I've tried using your solution.

After copying your module files and the latest GOG sdk files to match the indicated file structure in the readme and running scons, it ends up with an error.

Any suggestions what I might be doing wrong, or this is not supported by the later Godot builds? The command prompt log looks like this:

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Auto-detected 12 CPU cores available for build parallelism. Using 11 cores by default. You can override it with the -j argument.
Configuring for Windows: target=debug, bits=64
Found MSVC version 14.3, arch amd64, bits=64
Note: Building a debug binary (which will run slowly). Use `target=release_debug` to build an optimized release binary.
Checking for C header file mntent.h... (cached) no
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
[ 30%] Compiling ==> modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp
[ 30%] Compiling ==> modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp
[ 30%] godotgog.cpp
[ 31%] register_types.cpp
[ 37%] C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(46): error C3668: 'GOG::on_auth_success': method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(47): error C3668: 'GOG::on_auth_failure': method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(48): error C3668: 'GOG::on_auth_lost': method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods
[ 38%] modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(15): error C2039: 'Init': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
[ 38%] modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(15): error C2065: 'Init': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(16): error C2039: 'ProcessData': is not a member of 'GOG'
[ 38%] t_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(16): error C2065: 'ProcessData': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(17): error C2039: 'Shutdown': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(17): error C2065: 'Shutdown': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(19): error C2039: 'GetGalaxyID': is not a member of 'GOG'
[ 38%] t_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(19): error C2065: 'GetGalaxyID': undeclared identifier
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(20): error C2039: 'SignIn': is not a member of 'GOG'
[ 38%] t_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(20): error C2065: 'SignIn': undeclared identifier
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(21): error C2039: 'SignOut': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(21): error C2065: 'SignOut': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(22): error C2039: 'SignedIn': is not a member of 'GOG'
[ 38%] t_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(22): error C2065: 'SignedIn': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(23): error C2039: 'IsLoggedOn': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(23): error C2065: 'IsLoggedOn': undeclared identifier
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(25): error C2039: 'ClearAchievement': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(25): error C2065: 'ClearAchievement': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(26): error C2039: 'GetAchievementDescription': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(26): error C2065: 'GetAchievementDescription': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(27): error C2039: 'GetAchievementDisplayName': is not a member of 'GOG'
[ 38%] C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(27): error C2065: 'GetAchievementDisplayName': undeclared identifier
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(28): error C2039: 'GetUserTimePlayed': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(28): error C2065: 'GetUserTimePlayed': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(29): error C2039: 'IsAchievementVisible': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(29): error C2065: 'IsAchievementVisible': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(30): error C2039: 'SetAchievement': is not a member of 'GOG'
[ 38%] t_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(30): error C2065: 'SetAchievement': undeclared identifier
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(32): error C2039: 'GetPersonaName': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\godotgog.cpp(32): error C2065: 'GetPersonaName': undeclared identifier
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(33): error C2039: 'GetPersonaState': is not a member of 'GOG'
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
[ 38%] \godotgog\godotgog.cpp(33): error C2065: 'GetPersonaState': undeclared identifier
[ 38%] C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(46): error C3668: 'GOG::on_auth_success': method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods
[ 38%] C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(47): error C3668: 'GOG::on_auth_failure': method with [ 38%] e specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(48): error C3668: 'GOG::on_auth_lost': method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods
[ 38%] modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): error C2259: 'GOG': cannot instantiate abstract class
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
[ 38%] \godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): note: due to following members:
[ 38%] \godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): note: 'void galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthSuccess(void)': is abstract
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\sdk\Include\galaxy\IUser.h(36): note: see declaration of 'galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthSuccess'
[ 38%] modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): note: 'void galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthFailure(galaxy::api::IAuthListener::FailureReason)': is abstract
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\sdk\Include\galaxy\IUser.h(58): note: see declaration of 'galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthFailure'
modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): note: 'void galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthLost(void)': is abstract
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\sdk\Include\galaxy\IUser.h(65): note: see declaration of 'galaxy::api::I[ 38%] tener::OnAuthLost'
modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): error C2259: 'GOG': cannot instantiate abstract class
[ 38%] t_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\godotgog.h(7): note: see declaration of 'GOG'
modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): note: due to following members:
modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): note: 'void galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthSuccess(void)': is abstract
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\sdk\Include\galaxy\IUser.h(36): note: see declaration of 'galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthSuccess'
modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): note: 'void galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthFailure(galaxy::api::IAuthListene[ 38%] ureReason)': is abstract
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\sdk\Include\galaxy\IUser.h(58): note: see declaration of 'galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthFailure'
[ 38%] modules\godotgog\register_types.cpp(10): note: 'void galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthLost(void)': is abstract
C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis\modules\godotgog\sdk\Include\galaxy\IUser.h(65): note: see declaration of 'galaxy::api::IAuthListener::OnAuthLost'
[ 70%] Compiling ==> editor\editor_inspector.cpp
[ 70%] editor_inspector.cpp
[ 70%] Compiling ==> editor\editor_log.cpp
[ 70%] editor_log.cpp
[ 72%] Compiling ==> editor\editor_node.cpp
[ 72%] Compiling ==> editor\editor_path.cpp
[ 72%] Compiling ==> editor\editor_plugin.cpp
[ 72%] Compiling ==> editor\editor_plugin_settings.cpp
[ 72%] editor_plugin.cpp
[ 72%] Compiling ==> editor\editor_properties.cpp
[ 72%] Compiling ==> editor\editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
[ 72%] editor_properties.cpp
[ 72%] scons: *** [modules\godotgog\register_types.windows.tools.64.obj] Error 2
Compiling ==> editor\editor_resource_picker.cpp
scons: *** [modules\godotgog\godotgog.windows.tools.64.obj] Error 2
scons: building terminated because of errors.
[Time elapsed: 00:00:09.614]

C:\godot_c\3.5 - with GOG apis>```
pixelriot commented 1 year ago

Hi Andrejs,

sorry to hear that. The module was build for Godot 3.1, and I haven't updated it since. As of now I have no GoG projects in the pipeline and unfortunately not the time to keep the module up to date.

Feel free to jump in, if you have the resources :)

Take care.

AndrejsKlavins commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for responding.

Unfortunately I don't have programming skills or knowledge to jump in.

Luckily in the end solved my need using GOG steamwrapper solution.