pixeltris / TwitchAdSolutions

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Intrusive "Twitch advertising survey" banner appears after about 30 minutes of runtime #198

Closed TheOpponent closed 8 months ago

TheOpponent commented 8 months ago


On many channels, the banner above appears by shrinking the entire picture to slide in on the bottom and staying on screen for over a minute. I am using the vaft uBlock script permalink and a personal proxy in an ad-free country. It can be dismissed and its element hidden with a uBlock cosmetic rule, but it's extremely disruptive to the viewing experience, like a border promotion on television, and reappears when watching a different channel. Is it possible for the solutions in this repository to prevent this from occurring?

pixeltris commented 8 months ago

The scripts here focus on the SSAI. I imagine a better cosmetic rule could fix the banner offsetting things. I'm not able to help with that though unfortunately.