pixeltris / TwitchAdSolutions

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Script stopped working today #236

Closed CelianGdfrd closed 2 months ago

CelianGdfrd commented 3 months ago

Script used to work perfectly fine, but since this morning, I have pre/mid-roll ads again. Not sure what changed.

iNfz commented 3 months ago

yeah. ads are coming through

CelianGdfrd commented 3 months ago

Well, today it seemed to be working fine... It's mind-boggling.

TuffestLeader commented 3 months ago

not working again :(

xandertreat commented 2 months ago

Yep, stopped today

OrangeKupo commented 2 months ago

Loading a stream, I get ads and the addon says it's not proxying at all. F5 at least gets the proxies going but a midroll ad will get past this.

dragothica commented 2 months ago

For me Twitch stopped loading the video stream completely today. I also had been using a Firefox Extension "TTV LOL Pro" (adblocker). Disabling this extension helped and now Twitch is working again. I also have enabled Twitch Ad Solutions via Userscriopt (Ublock Origin).

CelianGdfrd commented 2 months ago

For me Twitch stopped loading the video stream completely today. I also had been using a Firefox Extension "Twitch LOL Pro" (adblocker). Disabling this extension helped and now Twitch is working again. I also have enabled Twitch Ad Solutions via Userscriopt (Ublock Origin).

Don't combine Twitch specific ad blockers.

dragothica commented 2 months ago

Yeah I was curious just mentioning it. Probably should just unistall it as it hasn't been updated in ages. Twitch was working though previously so I had left it on.

zGato commented 2 months ago

Yeah I was curious just mentioning it. Probably should just unistall it as it hasn't been updated in ages. Twitch was working though previously so I had left it on.

huh? imagen

hajo808 commented 2 months ago

Yes, the same for me. Since today, nothing has worked at all. I only use Ublock org. error #2000

dragothica commented 2 months ago

Yeah I was curious just mentioning it. Probably should just unistall it as it hasn't been updated in ages. Twitch was working though previously so I had left it on.


Is that TTV LOL Pro or Twitch Ad Solutions? TTV LOL Pro hasn't been updated since last summer, according to Firefox Extension Page (within Firefox Extension menu, not in the extension webpage). I was indeed using multiple Adblockers on Twitch and for some reason it was working out most of the time, until today TTV LOL Pro broke up and only disabling it allowed me to watch Twitch. There hasn't been any ads either so I take it Twitch Ad Solutions is working for me right now. I did update it's UserResourcesLocation address though.

javilink commented 2 months ago

Yeah I was curious just mentioning it. Probably should just unistall it as it hasn't been updated in ages. Twitch was working though previously so I had left it on.


Is that TTV LOL Pro or Twitch Ad Solutions? TTV LOL Pro hasn't been updated since last summer, according to Firefox Extension Page (within Firefox Extension menu, not in the extension webpage). I was indeed using multiple Adblockers on Twitch and for some reason it was working out most of the time, until today TTV LOL Pro broke up and only disabling it allowed me to watch Twitch. There hasn't been any ads either so I take it Twitch Ad Solutions is working for me right now. I did update it's UserResourcesLocation address though.

Hello. Could you indicate the new address UserResourcesLocation ? Is it the one that comes in the instructions on the page https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions? the one referenced in vaft - userscript / ublock / ublock (permalink)?


pixeltris commented 2 months ago

It's always best to mention what script you are using when saying something doesn't work as the 2 scripts in this repo do behave slightly differently. As for other solutions you want to go to the issues of the given project. In the case of TTV LOL Pro it is https://github.com/younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro/issues

That being said. I currently can't reproduce. There is also an open issue #225

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Both of the scripts (vaft and video-swap-new) stopped working for me last night. I've been using video-swap-new and at some time between 11pm and 1am (best guess) I first got an ad on Twitch. Usually when one gives me trouble (maybe every 4-5 months) I swap to the other and it works fine. Neither was working until a few hours ago, when video-swap-new suddenly started blocking again. Just now about five minutes ago, I got another ad while using video-swap-new, and swapping to vaft isn't working either).

Tammonll commented 2 months ago

Both of the scripts (vaft and video-swap-new) stopped working for me last night. I've been using video-swap-new and at some time between 11pm and 1am (best guess) I first got an ad on Twitch. Usually when one gives me trouble (maybe every 4-5 months) I swap to the other and it works fine. Neither was working until a few hours ago, when video-swap-new suddenly started blocking again. Just now about five minutes ago, I got another ad while using video-swap-new, and swapping to vaft isn't working either).

Same issue here. For me it started 5 hours ago aswell and getting constant midroll ads

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

The weirdest part is that, like I mentioned, sometime a little while ago the "Blocking ads" popped up, I got the proxy 480p feed, and it was working fine. Worked through multiple channels, too. Just now about a half hour ago it stopped working again.

Tammonll commented 2 months ago

i hope they come up with a fix soon.. every 15 min a add. I rather watch the purple screen again

elderddragon commented 2 months ago

Just to add info, I've used the scripts (both vaft and swap) for months in uBlock. This past week it stopped working on uBlock, so I started using the userscript with violentmonkey as the manager, and it went back to working. But as of the past 36 hours to 48 hours (April 8th or 9th) it has stopped working as well. Any ads go through immediately.

I hope this info can help with anything, if at all.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Which one is the one with violentmonkey? Do you have a link (or is that not allowed)?

elderddragon commented 2 months ago

I don't know if links are allowed, but I used both vaft and video-swap-new with violentmonkey (not at the same time, I would disable/uninstall one before using the other).

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Oh wait I see what you mean, violentmonkey is one of the userscript managers like greasymonkey. So the userscript versions, got it. Yeah, I tried both of those today and neither worked. Seems like they're all just not working for now.

Again, the weirdest part is that at some point when I was checking video-swap-new again, it just started working again like normal. I hadn't done anything drastic; I had restarted my browser, turned uBO off/on, things like that in the past and nothing worked. It just started working again for some reason. Then, around an hour or two ago it stopped working again, and now once again none of them are working.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Also, I should specify ahead of time that I'm on Firefox.

pixeltris commented 2 months ago

Just to add info, I've used the scripts (both vaft and swap) for months in uBlock. This past week it stopped working on uBlock, so I started using the userscript

It is mentioned in the readme now that uBlock Origin randomly stops applying the script. Userscript version is recommended. Ref #200

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

I've tried the userscript version today multiple times (I'm trying it right now again in fact) but it's not working, either.

EDIT: In fact, I've just tried it again. I removed the script from uBO and added the userscript to greasemonkey, opened a new tab and tried it, and I immediately get an ad.

pixeltris commented 2 months ago

@salvadorzombie did you try tampermonkey? I think I saw ads on one of the script managers and didn't bother to look into fixing it. But tampermonkey definitely works with the scripts.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Tampermonkey is the Chrome version, Greasemonkey is the version for Firefox. I'm on Firefox.

elderddragon commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I forgot to mention. I'm on Firefox, using userscripts now with violentmonkey as the manager, instead of uBlock. It's not working.

I'll try tampermonkey then.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I forgot to mention. I'm on Firefox, using userscripts now with violentmonkey as the manager, instead of uBlock. It's not working.

I'll try tampermonkey then.

If you're on Firefox you can't use Tampermonkey, because Tampermonkey is specifically for Chrome. Greasemonkey is the version on Firefox.

EDIT: Wait...I'm seeing now that Tampermonkey IS on Firefox now. I remember specifically that it never was when I first switched to Firefox, and that Greasemonkey was the FF version. It's there in the FF extension store though, so I'll check that now.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Actually, I just read up again and apparently Greasemonkey on FF was the original and Tamper was the Chrome version (and Violent was the Opera version), but they're all on Firefox now. Getting ready to try the userscript on Tamper, wish me luck!

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

At first I got an ad with Tampermonkey immediately, but a refresh got rid of it. I'm checking other channels and neither an ad nor the "Blocking Ads" message have popped up on any, so I'm not sure if it's working or if it just counted the time I had it on as watching the ad. I'll keep trying, once I see a "Blocking Ads" message I'll be convinced it's working.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Just got a pre-roll ad on a channel, refreshing didn't get rid of it (tried twice), no "Blocking Ads" message, so it's not working on Tampermonkey either. This is using video-swap-new userscript on Tampermonkey, and that's all on Firefox.

And about a half hour ago I also tried multiple methods on Opera to see if it would work on there, and nothing worked on there either.

pixeltris commented 2 months ago

Weird. You can check if the script is being injected by checking the console log for hookWorkerFetch. If it doesn't get logged it isn't being injected. Or typing in the console window.reloadTwitchPlayer, if it shows up as undefined then the script isn't being injected. Unfortunately I can't help in terms of the script not being injected as that is out of my control. If it is being injected you could give logs of the m3u8 files and I could see why ads are slipping through.

zGato commented 2 months ago

This could be helpful to add, but I doubt. https://twitch.tv/twitchmedia99 will trigger a preroll everytime worldwide, neither VAFT or video-swap-new is able to bypass it.

I guess that stream just doesn't have the mini player/360p player available.


salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Okay...this is really weird. It just started working again.

It wasn't working on Tamper, so I removed that, and decided to try the uBO way again. I had been using the "ublock (permalink)" URL for that ever since I started using this method (at least for the last year or two). This time, I used the URL in the example (which I think is the "ublock" one that's listed as one of the three options, the middle one). Worked on the first try.

I genuinely have no idea if this fixed it or if something else happened, but I'll check it again with a few more channels just to be sure. (In case this info is needed at a later date - I'm on Firefox, using uBO method, using the "ublock" URL, and I'm on Windows 7 which I know is an extreme edge case but I'm just unable to build a computer right now.)

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago


The channel I was on was stuck on permanent "Blocking Ads" message. The second I went to another channel, immediately got an ad.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Also, I'm not experienced in any of this, so I have no idea how to do a lot of this. I know how to access the Browser Console on FF and I can also rightclick -> Inspect, but I have no idea if either of those is what you mean. Couldn't find window.reloadTwitchPlayer on either one, though.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

I just tried vaft using the middle URL for the uBO method, and it seemed like it was going to go permanent "Blocking Ads" like the other, but it cleared up after a few minutes and then re-sizing the video (from using Inspect on the page). Checked a second channel, "Blocking Ads" pops up again (for some reason vaft seems to either not go to 480p or waver between 480p and what I have selected), and then cleared after about 30 seconds, like normal. It seems like vaft is working for me, now, using that middle URL.

elderddragon commented 2 months ago

All tests on FireFox, latest version.

I tried both vaft and video-swap, using greasemonkey, tampermonkey, violentmonkey. Ads are playing without problem, it is like nothing tries to stop them.

I just read a comment on testing if the script is being injected, so I'll try that. I'll edit the comment to avoid more clutter here.

Edit: tried the hookWorkerFetch log thing, it is being injected.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

All tests on FireFox, latest version.

I tried both vaft and video-swap, using greasemonkey, tampermonkey, violentmonkey. Ads are playing without problem, it is like nothing tries to stop them.

I just read a comment on testing if the script is being injected, so I'll try that. I'll edit the comment to avoid more clutter here.

I've found something that seems to be working for me. I just tried a third channel that got a "Blocking Ads" message, and while it froze after about 30 seconds, refreshing using the FFZ Reset Player button cleared it up and the message is gone. So I think this is mostly working (sometimes the resolution wavers and it freezes sometimes during the ad break but the ads aren't coming through).

I'm using the "ublock"vaft URL (the one in the middle of the three) using the uBO script method. On current Firefox, using the most current version of uBO (1.57.2, I literally updated it about 2 hours ago, check to see if there's an update). No idea if it'll work for you but it's currently working for me.

(I just tried it on another channel and it worked even better than the others. "Blocking Ads" in top left, stayed in 720p at least, and swapped back to 1080p with no problem after 30 seconds. Seems to be working for me.)

EDIT: This seems to have stopped working now, too. I have no idea what to do any more.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

This could be helpful to add, but I doubt. https://twitch.tv/twitchmedia99 will trigger a preroll everytime worldwide, neither VAFT or video-swap-new is able to bypass it.

I guess that stream just doesn't have the mini player/360p player available.


I looked on the page that has your list and there's something called "screwtwitchads" that says it's not currently released. Will that be available in the future? From the description it sounds like it's working perfectly, which would be great given that nothing I'm trying now seems to work.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Also just something I was thinking about - everything was fine until last night, then it was fine for a while and then broke again.

uBO apparently had an update at some point between last night and today, and then there was another update after the first one, and both roughly coincide with all of these failing to work. Could it be that there's been something in uBO to now cause the scripts to fail?

JimmyBoyHalpert commented 2 months ago

For me Twitch stopped loading the video stream completely today. I also had been using a Firefox Extension "TTV LOL Pro" (adblocker). Disabling this extension helped and now Twitch is working again. I also have enabled Twitch Ad Solutions via Userscriopt (Ublock Origin).

Came to say the same thing. No video could manage to load for me. I forgot I had TTV LOL Pro installed while also having the userscript through uBlock. I disabled TTV LOL Pro and everything is working just fine. Instead of ads, I just have the low resolution video in place of when an ad would appear. Unfortunately seems TTV LOL Pro will be broken for people.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

For me Twitch stopped loading the video stream completely today. I also had been using a Firefox Extension "TTV LOL Pro" (adblocker). Disabling this extension helped and now Twitch is working again. I also have enabled Twitch Ad Solutions via Userscriopt (Ublock Origin).

Came to say the same thing. No video could manage to load for me. I forgot I had TTV LOL Pro installed while also having the userscript through uBlock. I disabled TTV LOL Pro and everything is working just fine. Instead of ads, I just have the low resolution video in place of when an ad would appear. Unfortunately seems TTV LOL Pro will be broken for people.

That doesn't work for me, I made sure to remove everything but the single script/add-on I was trying. Nothing's working for me at all for some reason. I'm glad it's working for some people, it's just frustrating not being able to figure this out.

zGato commented 2 months ago

@salvadorzombie I looked on the page that has your list and there's something called "screwtwitchads" that says it's not currently released. Will that be available in the future? From the description it sounds like it's working perfectly, which would be great given that nothing I'm trying now seems to work.

It used to be quite simple to just install and forget but Twitch partially broke it this 2024. It does still work just fine, but it breaks every week or so, and I don't feel like creating a script to automate it.

I just use TTV LOL PRO personally as I don't want to deal with scripts breaking or some other random shit when I barely watch Twitch at all, I just want a clear stream when I want it, that's it.

"nothing I'm trying seems to work" is not exactly true, TTV LOL PRO still works just fine.

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

@salvadorzombie I looked on the page that has your list and there's something called "screwtwitchads" that says it's not currently released. Will that be available in the future? From the description it sounds like it's working perfectly, which would be great given that nothing I'm trying now seems to work.

It used to be quite simple to just install and forget but Twitch partially broke it this 2024. It does still work just fine, but it breaks every week or so, and I don't feel like creating a script to automate it.

I just use TTV LOL PRO personally as I don't want to deal with scripts breaking or some other random shit when I barely watch Twitch at all, I just want a clear stream when I want it, that's it.

"nothing I'm trying seems to work" is not exactly true, TTV LOL PRO still works just fine.

I know it works for you, but I tried TTV LOL PRO (both v1 and v2) and it's not working at all for me. At this point I just want something to even show a hint of working, everything stopped working completely like 3 hours ago.

zGato commented 2 months ago

@salvadorzombie I know it works for you, but I tried TTV LOL PRO (both v1 and v2) and it's not working at all for me. At this point I just want something to even show a hint of working, everything stopped working completely like 3 hours ago.

As one of the devs of TTV LOL PRO I can certainly say it's a you issue, TTV LOL PRO is working just fine for everyone, literally. Read the wiki and understand how it works/recommended extensions to use alongside, ... "Commercial break in progress" with the public proxies (Default provided) is expected on peak hours, that is not "not working"

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

(I was editing my last post when I saw you post so I'll just add that here to this.)

I genuinely believe you when you say it's working. I'm sure it's working for like 99.9% of people. Hell, the video-swap-new and vaft worked perfectly for me 99.9% of the time for the last 2-3 years. I really did read everything there and followed the instructions, and for some reason it's not working for me. Not even a "Commercial Break" screen.

I'm really sorry, I know I have to seem like an insane person right now, but I can't think of any way to get any of these work. Every single one seems to just not exist when I install it. I make sure that each one is the only thing running, I cleared my cache last night, I'm following the instructions to the letter and I read the whole Must Read section for TTV LOL PRO just to make sure I didn't miss something. Nothing seems to work. I have no idea why and I don't know what to do.

I know this isn't anyone's fault and I really appreciate the work everyone does to make these and maintain them. It's just making me feel crazy not being able to fix this even after I follow all of the instructions. I'm really sorry, I know I have to seem like an insane person right now, but I can't think of any way to get any of these work. Every single one seems to just not exist when I install it. I make sure that each one is the only thing running, I cleared my cache last night, I'm following the instructions to the letter and I read the whole Must Read section for TTV LOL PRO just to make sure I didn't miss something. Nothing seems to work. I have no idea why and I don't know what to do.

zGato commented 2 months ago

@salvadorzombie just DM me on Discord and I can personally help you out I genually think you have good intentions. zgato_ (or zGato | Marc#7399) (and then we can delete these comments if you like to keep the discussion clean)

salvadorzombie commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I just sent you a friend request. I really appreciate it.

fREAST commented 2 months ago

Using the vaft userscript, its seems to be ~working in Firefox, during ads its replaced with the lower quality stream~, but in Chrome it doesn't seem to work, the ads play. I can see in the console it says Twitch adblocker is enabled so the script should be loaded. Edit: Never mind, still getting ads in firefox as well.