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Scripts No longer blocking #243

Closed The18thPrimarch closed 2 months ago

The18thPrimarch commented 2 months ago

Seems as of last night the scripts are no longer working to block ads. I primarily alternate between AdGuard Extra, Vaft, and VideoSwapNew and none of those 3 are working anymore.

dombobble commented 2 months ago

Started about a week ago for me, but seemed to be blocking some (not all) until yesterday.

The18thPrimarch commented 2 months ago

Yeah. The ublock and TTV Pro stopped working maybe 2 weeks ago and stopped using those entirely since the scripts were working. Now scripts are donezo too

pixeltris commented 2 months ago

Did you see #241?

The18thPrimarch commented 2 months ago

Did you see #241?

THank you for this brother checking now.

QUestion, do these scripts update automatically? Or are we needing to update them manually? Question also for video-swap-new script. Just so I know if it's working properly or not, does it play the ad in the main screen and minimize the stream to the right side of your page? Or is it supposed to not display an ad at all?

Also, vaft still does not work. I got an ad upon entering the stream.

Using Chrome and Tampermonkey for my ScriptManager

pixeltris commented 2 months ago

QUestion, do these scripts update automatically? Or are we needing to update them manually?

Depending on your userscript manager settings it should prompt you to update. Your userscript manager should also show you which version of the script you're on. The current version for vaft is:


Just so I know if it's working properly or not, does it play the ad in the main screen and minimize the stream to the right side of your page? Or is it supposed to not display an ad at all?

There is a little label at the top left of the stream which says Blocking ads when ads are actively being blocked. At other times there's no indication that the script is active other than a console log.

Also, vaft still does not work. I got an ad upon entering the stream.

It's possible something could have changed since #241 but I have no indications so far.

The18thPrimarch commented 2 months ago

Ah okay understood. Well, sadly they both still do not work for me. The best so far is just video swap which puts the stream on the right side of screen but nothing else. Is there anything I could provide to you in regards to these issues to help for a fix? First time commenting so im unsure what you need or if this is the proper way my apologies.

Image below is the example of Videoswapnew script image

stevenya97 commented 2 months ago

Are you able to share your list of extensions? Maybe something else is conflicting with the userscript and stealing focus. As a side, I see you have both ADP and uBlock extensions whitelisted for twitch.tv as indicated by the grey icons. Best to disable ABP and just let uBlock do its thing to avoid multiple adblockers conflicting with each other globally.

The18thPrimarch commented 2 months ago

Yes absolutely. Images below.

Oh ok. Ill remove it then for good measure.

image image