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Vaft broken in Chromium browsers #262

Open th3m opened 2 weeks ago

th3m commented 2 weeks ago

Latest vaft permalink that fixes the "FrankerFaceZ loading issue" has broken the functionality in Chromium browsers. Twitch streams don't load at all.

pixeltris commented 2 weeks ago

I can't reproduce. I tested Brave / Chrome. The userscript version is recommended. Ref #200

th3m commented 2 weeks ago

@pixeltris This issue closed way too fast imo.

Anyways tested the userscript and it also doesn't work. So something changed with the latest fix definitely.

Also i know that userscript method can give you less issues, but it is always an extra extension we need to use. The minimal the setup the better.

Try also if it works with Ungoogled Chromium https://chromium.woolyss.com/

stevenya97 commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm I also can't reproduce it. I tried on a fresh profile of Chrome with just uBo, FrankerFaceZ extensions and the vaft script loaded into uBo and filter added. Are you able to provide some extra details? Which streams are you seeing this on? Can you get a screenshot/recording of this happening? What other extensions are you running?

You can try these tips. Under Chrome extensions page, enable Developer Mode in the top right, this should reveal the Update button near the top of the page, click this to force check uBo update. Then toggle off/on uBo. Should force uBo to regrab the script. image

Afterwards, go to a twitch stream with ads and open the dev console(hit F12 on keyboard). Navigate over to Console and you should be seeing a message(s) Blocking ads. On the video player itself, you should see a banner with the same message in the top left. Try a couple other streams. If you don't, then #200 applies to you which can randomly occur sadly. If so, Userscript is recommended. image image

mjelloDev commented 2 weeks ago

Having similiar problem after the latest fix of #249

I am using chromium based browser Cromite already tried the usecscript method with tampermonkey but with no success so far (still won't load like using Ublock method)

th3m commented 2 weeks ago

Which streams are you seeing this on? Can you get a screenshot/recording of this happening? What other extensions are you running?

Any stream doesn't matter, same result if i use uBlock or the Userscript. No other extensions are running. Using ungoogled chromium browser. Was working fine before the #249 fix. I have returned to the previous vaft version and everything works fine atm.

When i try to load a stream with the new fix, everything loads up correctly apart from the video itself. (Chat works etc) Here is a screenshot: sshot001

After some more testing i found what is breaking the video. It is the V8 optimizer setting, you need to have it enabled for the video to load. Though with the previous vaft version, the video loads fine with the V8 optimizer disabled.


pixeltris commented 2 weeks ago

Sure I can reopen this. I can't reproduce the issue with the optimizer changes. Both work for me.

Are you certain you don't have any other extensions installed and you only have one script enabled? Solutions tend to conflict with each other and produce this exact result (black screen, infinite loading wheel). TTV LOL PRO had some mitigations to allow the stream to load even with a script enabled but with the #249 change that is no longer the case so if you have that extension installed at the same time as the script the streams will now fail to load. See https://github.com/younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro/issues/334

DaveKap commented 2 weeks ago

Using Supermium: Had an issue where neither of the uBlock vaft scripts were working but the userscript was working through violentmonkey (which wasn't running anything while I tried the uBlock scripts.) Unsure what's going on there, might be uBlock not loading in the scripts fast enough or being cached or something, just wanted to report my latest.

Edit: The scripts have since started working again.

pxia commented 1 week ago

I had this issue that the stream wasn't loading at all. Disabling TTV LOL PRO plugin seems fixing it.