I Tested Everything on a single computer and it that works flawlessly - SUCCESSFULLY TRADED
The problem starts when I try to connect with a second computer or laptop, I have 2 extra devices.
I shared my JSON Settings.json LEFT and the ClientSettings.json RIGHT
The Server works on the HOST computer / laptop.
The HOST can play locally all good buy packs do everything.
When I try to start the game on a external device using the same settings it initially connects.
But never seems to reach the main screen.
The profiles where made but they where never loaded in on the externals
The HOST did not have any prior knowledge of the TOKENS on the externals.
Yet made the correct accounts with those tokens.
Do the host and the client need different values in their ClientSettings.json?
Does the TOKEN need a set size ? I tried 12 characters and 9.
Port forwarding??, I did unblock the YgoMastere.exe & YgoMasterClient.exe trough the firewall.
Does YgoMaster.exe need to run on all the devices, I start to question everything at this point.
If you ask me this is the Server and only the Host device should have it running all others just connect using their YgoMasterClient.exe
You say LAN_IP, But i assume you mean the IPv4 of the computer the Server YgoMaster.exe runs on.
If i bind my LAN_IP or WAN_IP nothing connects not even my local device.
I made the BaseIP point to the HOST_IPv4 because there is where the YgoMaster.exe is running.
Its also the only method that works. if the YgoMaster.exe is running locally it works.
But the YgoMasterClient.exe does not connect fully to an external YgoMaster.exe
My goal is to play in my local network, Everything is in the same room & same router.
With a local setup it just works, when i try to connect externally it doesn't.
I first tried the LAN, then the same with the WAN PvP.md
There is no noticeable difference on my end.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I'm contactable outside of GITHUB, Discord or other methods.
I Tested Everything on a single computer and it that works flawlessly - SUCCESSFULLY TRADED The problem starts when I try to connect with a second computer or laptop, I have 2 extra devices. I shared my JSON Settings.json LEFT and the ClientSettings.json RIGHT The Server works on the HOST computer / laptop. The HOST can play locally all good buy packs do everything. When I try to start the game on a external device using the same settings it initially connects. But never seems to reach the main screen. The profiles where made but they where never loaded in on the externals The HOST did not have any prior knowledge of the TOKENS on the externals. Yet made the correct accounts with those tokens.
If you ask me this is the Server and only the Host device should have it running all others just connect using their YgoMasterClient.exe
You say LAN_IP, But i assume you mean the IPv4 of the computer the Server YgoMaster.exe runs on. If i bind my LAN_IP or WAN_IP nothing connects not even my local device.
I made the BaseIP point to the HOST_IPv4 because there is where the YgoMaster.exe is running. Its also the only method that works. if the YgoMaster.exe is running locally it works. But the YgoMasterClient.exe does not connect fully to an external YgoMaster.exe
My goal is to play in my local network, Everything is in the same room & same router. With a local setup it just works, when i try to connect externally it doesn't.
I first tried the LAN, then the same with the WAN PvP.md There is no noticeable difference on my end.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. I'm contactable outside of GITHUB, Discord or other methods.