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Suggested corrections for the custom image registry docs #252

Open jvadera opened 1 year ago

jvadera commented 1 year ago

According to me some corrections can be made in this doc

  1. In the step collect vizier images all the required images are not listed in the file below after you download Vizier artifacts

    cat images/vizier_image_list.txt

we need all the images which are not listed in the file also the tags are old.

Currently, it's showing this


But we need the below images with the latest tags

docker pull gcr.io/pixie-oss/pixie-prod/vizier/cloud_connector_server_image:0.12.18
  1. In the step Collect the OLM images we need two below images with below tag and below image is the duplicate one quay.io/operator-framework/olm

docker pull quay.io/operator-framework/olm@sha256:b706ee6583c4c3cf8059d44234c8a4505804adcc742bcddb3d1e2f6eff3d6519

docker pull quay.io/operator-framework/configmap-operator-registry@sha256:4e228892ec46c471ee6c4a1ac88a6df2ca3b670e621a61aa193babaae735ed3e

  1. Also in 3rd step for Collect the OLM images if we mention staying in yamls (directory) it would be very helpful

  2. When installing the pixie with nri-bundle one required image for the pixie we have not listed in this doc from the new relic side.


We need to add the below setting while installing the nri-bundle via helm3 --set newrelic-pixie.image.repository=368927449855.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/newrelic/newrelic-pixie-integration

In this doc I noted all the steps I took to make it work

maxlemieux commented 6 months ago

I ran into the same issue this week. Here are my notes on changes that were required for the custom registry build process, but not matching the docs:

In the OLM step, the SHA256 value has changed since the docs were published. I found the required value by checking the failed pull. Here is the current value:

crane cp quay.io/operator-framework/olm@sha256:f9ea8cef95ac9b31021401d4863711a5eec904536b449724e0f00357548a31e7 $registry/quay.io-operator-framework-olm@sha256:f9ea8cef95ac9b31021401d4863711a5eec904536b449724e0f00357548a31e7

The final steps in the OLM section had a discrepancy for one of the image names. I confirmed that we do need to include gcr.io in the name of the image, like this:

opm index add --bundles ${registry}/bundle:0.1.4 --tag ${registry}/gcr.io-pixie-oss-pixie-prod-operator-bundle_index:0.0.1 -u docker
docker push ${registry}/gcr.io-pixie-oss-pixie-prod-operator-bundle_index:0.0.1

There was also an image for opm entirely missing from the documented steps which was leading to an ImagePullBackOff:

crane cp quay.io/operator-framework/opm@sha256:d999588bd4e9509ec9e75e49adfb6582d256e9421e454c7fb5e9fe57e7b1aada $registry/quay.io-operator-framework-opm@sha256:d999588bd4e9509ec9e75e49adfb6582d256e9421e454c7fb5e9fe57e7b1aada

Vizier-operator pod failed on its image pull too. This is because the docs say to update the reference in the yaml file, but they never specify that this image needs to be rehosted too, like this:

crane cp gcr.io/pixie-oss/pixie-prod/operator/operator_image:0.1.4 $registry/gcr.io-pixie-oss-pixie-prod-operator-operator_image:0.1.4

Once I made these changes, everything worked. Hoping we can get these docs updated to avoid further confusion. Thanks team!