pixijs / animate

PixiJS runtime library for content from Adobe Animate CC
MIT License
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Should I do Cleanup on ShapesCache? #91

Closed StephenCritoph closed 5 years ago

StephenCritoph commented 5 years ago

If I plan to load a lot of assets as json files throughout my game, should I be using the ShapesCache.add and remove functions to restrict the ShapesCache to just the shapes I need, or would it not affect performance if I keep adding to the ShapesCache as I run into new assets I need, but never remove the old ones I don't need anymore.

I was originally thinking it worked similarly to GPU memory, where we can use bindTexture and destoryTexture to do cleanup, but now it seems that would be pointless for the ShapesCache.

So should I do cleanup on the ShapesCache or is it not relevant to performance?