pixijs / filters

Collection of community-authored custom display filters for PixiJS
MIT License
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Drop Shadow Filter: allow shadow scale/size/direction adjustment #306

Open tachikoma-days opened 3 years ago

tachikoma-days commented 3 years ago

Rotation is implemented, my suggestion is to add a height / width adjustment, along with shadow angle adjustment. This would allow for a faux 3D effect for isometric purposes, 3D-ish sidescrollers and other stuff. example

ivanpopelyshev commented 3 years ago

For 3d-ish sidescrollers where you need ~20 objects like this , it'll be slow as heck. Shadows are usually pre-rendered, dropshadow is good only for prototyping game. You can pass result of whatever blur you have to https://pixijs.io/examples/#/filters-advanced/pixie-shadow-filter.js , making a multi-pass filter.