When added @pixi/layers to my project with it breaks all mask that hide what's outside of them:
let layer = window.layer = new Layer(); // happens in init.js
layer.group.enableSort = true;
sprite.parentLayer = layer // added to function that creates all sprites and containers
const mask = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE); // example of using code which works without @pixi/layers
mask.width = serversContainer.width;
mask.height = serverFrame.height - (serversContainer.y - serverFrame.y) - calculateYMargin(signUpPositions.CHOOSE_SERVER.FRAME_BORDER_SIZE.y);
serversContainer.mask = mask;
When added @pixi/layers to my project with it breaks all mask that hide what's outside of them:
Dependencies versions: "pixi.js": "6.2.2", "@pixi/layers": "1.0.11", "pixi-spine": "^3.0.13",
Updated to latest and still masking don't work even without @pixi/layers.
What can I do to make it work?