pixijs / layers

Separate the z-hierarchy of your scene tree from its canonical structure.
MIT License
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pixi-display or pixi-layers #9

Closed DennisSmolek closed 7 years ago

DennisSmolek commented 7 years ago

Hey Ivan,

I've stumbled upon this library when trying to do some work to create a image/content editor with Pixi as the rendering engine. Basically Fabric.js/Illustrator but with Pixi for the WebGL.

I was going to write a lot of my own stuff but I saw the pixi-layers branch and all the great work/demos that went into that. Great job and docs too!

I then also saw that pixi-display had a few commits as well. Are you forking the projects? The way the pixi-layers readme reads pixi-layers has a more advanced version of pixi-display in it.

I'm going to start with pixi-layers as a starting point but I'd like to know/understand your plans moving forward and if in my using this library I can be of any help.

ivanpopelyshev commented 7 years ago

There is only one commit, I deleted something. Yes, its better to start with pixi-layers.