pixijs / pixi-react

Write PIXI apps using React declarative style
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Bug: Container Rendering Children in Wrong Order #422

Closed maximtwo closed 1 year ago

maximtwo commented 1 year ago

Current Behavior

Howdy, thanks for taking a look at this report!

I've run into an issue where I have an array of layers in my application and the user is allowed to re-order the layers. When the layer order changes what is displayed in the scene is not the expected output. I think it may be a problem during reconciliation because when I generate new component keys each time the parent component re-renders everything is ordered correctly.

I've included a live example so that you can see what's currently happening.

Expected Behavior

I expect that when you have an array of objects to render inside of a Container, the order in which they are rendered to the screen is consistent with ordering of the array.

  {layers.map((layer) => (
    <Graphics key={layer.id} draw={draw(layer)} tint={layer.tint} />

Steps to Reproduce



Possible Solution

As mentioned above, one possible solution was to generate new keys for each layer when the ordering changes but this is less than ideal because it can cause unnecessary re-renders of potentially large portions of the scene graph.

Additional Information

No response

lunarraid commented 1 year ago

I ran into this years back, and this is what I wound up with:

Current logic:

function insertBefore(parent, child, beforeChild)
    invariant(child !== beforeChild, 'pixi-react: PixiFiber cannot insert node before itself');

    const childExists = parent.children.indexOf(child) !== -1;
    const index = parent.getChildIndex(beforeChild);

    childExists ? parent.setChildIndex(child, index) : parent.addChildAt(child, index);

My logic:

function insertBefore (parentInstance, child, beforeChild) {
  invariant(child !== beforeChild, 'pixi-react: PixiFiber cannot insert node before itself');

  const childExists = parentInstance.hasChild(child);

  if (childExists) {

  const index = parentInstance.getChildIndex(beforeChild);

  parentInstance.addChildAt(child, index);
michalochman commented 1 year ago

@lunarraid your solution looks correct. It was also fixed in similar way in my original lib 3 years ago by one of the contributors here: https://github.com/michalochman/react-pixi-fiber/pull/98

@baseten @Zyie I think we can safely migrate it to pixi-react. It is probably a good idea to go through all fixes that were made along the way since "forking" and migrate those as well.

maximtwo commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, thanks for digging into this, I was going to open a PR with @lunarraid 's suggested fix and an additional unit test that catches this specific issue. Reading the comment above though, it sounds like there may be other issues that you want to address too.

Should I hold off on opening that PR?

lunarraid commented 1 year ago

@maximtwo I believe he is referring to other github issues that were opened and patched in the original library that was forked, and is suggesting that those patches should be looked through to see if any haven't been applied to the fork. A PR for this issue with fix and tests would be great.

maximtwo commented 1 year ago

Will be incoming shortly, thanks for the guidance

baseten commented 1 year ago

@maximtwo thanks for the PR - this fix is now released in pixi-react v7.0.3