pixijs / spine

Pixi.js plugin that enables Spine support.
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Spine 3.8 pixi 5 not working #315

Open ayanguptapcg opened 4 years ago

ayanguptapcg commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am trying to move to pixi 5 and spine 3.8.72. I have a very basic spine file and it is not working. Can someone please look into my files and see where I am wrong. This is very urgent as we are going to start a big game and we have already made a lot of animations using spine 3.8.72. Any help would be really appreciated. Spine_Run_tinkered.zip

rpatwariingenuity commented 4 years ago

I can confirm this issue. PixiJS v5 Spine 3.8, doesn't work with JSON spines. They were working until PixiJS v5 Spine 3.7. Due to it, I am unable to use this update.

@ivanpopelyshev Thanks for the awesome plaugin though.

ivanpopelyshev commented 4 years ago

In that poarticular case it turned out that there weren't default skins set in the model.

@rpatwariingenuity it should work. Please provide more information.

rpatwariingenuity commented 4 years ago

In that poarticular case it turned out that there weren't default skins set in the model.

@rpatwariingenuity it should work. Please provide more information.

I am using Spine version: "3.6.52". And they have default skins.

ivanpopelyshev commented 4 years ago

3.8 spine format is breaking, you cant use 3.6 json's, need either 3.8 json either 3.8 skel.

ivanpopelyshev commented 4 years ago

You can use pixi-spine for pixi-v5 and spine3.7, look in readme for the links. I didnt add universal reader because its EsotericSoftware policy to use different branches and force people to move to newer Spine versions.

rpatwariingenuity commented 4 years ago

You can use pixi-spine for pixi-v5 and spine3.7, look in readme for the links. I didnt add universal reader because its EsotericSoftware policy to use different branches and force people to move to newer Spine versions.

@ivanpopelyshev Got it. Thanks man. This solves the issue.

mikkelehpriv commented 4 years ago

So that's what that was :| Spent 2 hours trying to just get the basic examples working in my project after installing pixi-spine package with npm and trying the spine assets from the pixi.js examples repo. No errors, nothing in the logs, just a black screen.

ivanpopelyshev commented 4 years ago

@mikkelehpriv Did you look at README? There are different branches of this repo for pixi v4/v5 and spine 3.7/3.8

pixijs examples contain spine for 3.7 , i think i commited 3.8 somewhere but i forgot to push . You could just open json file with notepad and see "3.7" in the top there. Blaim esotericsoftware for those difficulties :)

That's not the first time it happens, 3.2 and 3.5 also had breaking changes.

P.S. there will be breaking changes for 3.9 too, i think. more branches! yay!

ivanpopelyshev commented 4 years ago

Well, because of there are too many people who mis-version the json file, I think I have to add special checks which version is it and write a huge warning in console.