pixijs / spine

Pixi.js plugin that enables Spine support.
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Pixi spine don't show whole body #380

Open jacobdab opened 3 years ago

jacobdab commented 3 years ago


I added pixi-spine(newest) to project working on pixi.js(v5.3.3) and spine object(v.3.8.6) ,but spine only have half of body, unless I in devtools call setSkinByName. Calling setSkinByName in code doesn't fix that.


ivanpopelyshev commented 3 years ago

can you publish minimal demo please?

jacobdab commented 3 years ago


Its standard code with webpack hack from readme. Tommorow I will try to find some clues.

Png and atlas: turner turner.atlas.txt

That's the json spine. turner.json.txt

Had project views architecture change and in cordova platform reinstall with whole plugins and it started to work fine. Architecture was mostly directory change and imports ,so code remain the same, only diff is cordova browser and android platform reinstall with all plugins added.

Also tried on old branch to import everything on pixi init ,but still problem persisted, most likely cordova / cordova plugins somehow interfere with spine.

Didn't find any errors.

lloydevans commented 3 years ago

@jacobdab Are you calling setSkin(null)? (https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-spine/blob/master/examples/change_skin.md#changing-skins)