pixijs / tilemap

Rectangular tilemap implementation for PixiJS
MIT License
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Where is atlas_image taken from #11

Open catharsisjelly opened 7 years ago

catharsisjelly commented 7 years ago

Hello there,

I am trying to understand and apply what you are showing in the demo in my code and I don't understand what you're trying to access. This is the following line I am struggling with.

var tilemap = new PIXI.tilemap.CompositeRectTileLayer(0, [resources['atlas_image'].texture], true);

In particular where the atlas_image is being set-up or how it is being called. I can see in the repo that atlas.json is a TexturePacker json file which you load right at the very beginning with loader.add('atlas', 'basic/atlas.json'); but I cannot see the connection between the two.

Maybe once I understand this I might be able to help to improve the documentation to help other people understand it too?

ivanpopelyshev commented 7 years ago

if you add json atlas named "atlas", PIXI creates image "atlas_image" in resources, which is PNG referenced in the atlas. Its pixi inner thing :)

Let me know if you have some other questions.

catharsisjelly commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the response, I realise now that yes this is PIXI and not something specific to the tilemap add on but thankyou for the explanation. Does it just add "_image" to whatever you name it in the resource or is there something more complicated going on here? If this behaviour is not documented somewhere then I will see if I can find the right place to add something and then send a contribution.

ivanpopelyshev commented 7 years ago

Yes, only '_image'. The other way is to ask json atlas itself


That will add whole atlas too, but i dont want to specify some texture name.


if you use pixi-spine, it will also create two dependant resources - one for atlas file, one for png

I know its not verbose, its not appearing in PIXI docs at all, whole Loader module is kinda not obvious

bpkennedy commented 4 years ago

Hello, I know it's been a few years since this issue, but I see this library is still being maintained. However, the documentation really could use an update to clarify that bit about pixi doing a bit of "magic" for the atlas_image thing. I spent probably a few hours looking at docs, example implementations, etc before I happened upon this issue and now understand. Pixi is new, altogether, for me so between version/api changes in both documentation and examples online it has been difficult to know what is > 5.0 implementation or not just from looking.

Could you please update the documentation - even if just a mention that pixi does this for you internally?

Great library and effort in what the team does with pixi and it's modules, thank you!

ivanpopelyshev commented 4 years ago

In v5 there's even special behaviour - if "atlas_image" already added, it wont be added second time.

OK, moved it to issue in main repo. I'm not the docs guy and spritesheets is not my area.