pixijs / tilemap

Rectangular tilemap implementation for PixiJS
MIT License
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[Question] Is there a map editor using pixi-tilemap? #57

Open Soliaonline opened 5 years ago

Soliaonline commented 5 years ago

Is there a javascript based map editor for making Maps instead of using RPG maker itself?

ivanpopelyshev commented 5 years ago

Nope. pixi-tilemap provides a way to show tilemap independently of the editor you choose. Rpgmaker maps work through rpgmaker runtime that uses pixi-tilemap.

Take Tiled, for example, make a parser for their tmx format, fill the tilemap based on it.

You have to be aware of basic algorithms for tilemap to use this plugin anyway, like "fill the window, clear and refill it when camera touches the edge".

Soliaonline commented 5 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I am going to look into building one. I have read though a good portion of the code. The only question I would say I have is in the RPG maker JSON. It references tiles by what I assume is a tile ID. I did not see a corresponding id in the atlas for the tileset itself. I may have missed it, but it would save me sometime if you would share some of your wisdom with me.

blurymind commented 5 years ago

@Soliaonline this was actually discussed on the gdevelop trello board. If you want to build one, you are not alone :) We have the same goal! So why not come by and check our repo here: https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop try gdevelop5 :) we use pixijs under the hood for both the electron editor and the game engine for rendering.

Soliaonline commented 5 years ago

@Soliaonline this was actually discussed on the gdevelop trello board. If you want to build one, you are not alone :) We have the same goal! So why not come by and check our repo here: https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop try gdevelop5 :) we use pixijs under the hood for both the electron editor and the game engine for rendering.

I built one nearly 2 years ago, but I am trying to optimize things further. Right now I am working on an Atlas Creator/Editor. It's not amazing or anything, but it accomplish what I am after. I feel the way I need it to work is not beneficial for a community because I am not handling anything, but the floor tiles. No buildings, no trees, only tiles. My goal is to make something akin to the old starcraft map editor. I did download and checkout RPG Maker MV to see how they solved problems, and realized that they did things much the same way I did with what I call "default" tile state. Where everything is set to have dirt around it if it it outside of it's element.

I did look at the repository you linked, and I could not find the discussion you mentioned, but I admit I am not extremely familiar with github.