I have one UBUNTU machine and I have one KALIl LINUX machine, In UBUNTU I want to set up snort and after completion of setup i want to check whether it's receiving email receiving logs or not? like If I am using POSTFIX and I have two users those are sending emails to each other, there should be some alert in snort That particular user sends this email to this user. If content or in detail more possible then fine. But snort must have email receiving logs.
I have one UBUNTU machine and I have one KALIl LINUX machine, In UBUNTU I want to set up snort and after completion of setup i want to check whether it's receiving email receiving logs or not? like If I am using POSTFIX and I have two users those are sending emails to each other, there should be some alert in snort That particular user sends this email to this user. If content or in detail more possible then fine. But snort must have email receiving logs.